Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pryor will op~rve theid golden wedding i 1Dl{IIVe ary - Sµnday afternoon. ' July.4, ftQill: 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. at an oooh house at the home of their soii~nd daughter-in-law Dr. , and ~r~ Mrs. Joseph E'. Pryor, at 924' E, <;enter in Sear– Cf. Frien<i · of th~ Pryors have ~n invit~d to call during the ap .a1ted hours. :Qu~trcf Desd~~ona Rives ~d Y,nme. Err.i~st Pryor were mar– ried July 5, 1915, near Melber K~~tucky•· The Pryors are th~ parents of thi,-ee children: Jo– seph ~- of Searcy, L. E. Jr. , of K~sas City, Mo., (deceased) J an4 Sarah Lois (desceased in ~an,cy). There are three grand– children: Beverly Jo, Joseph Byron and Susan Rebecca Pry– or,, all of Searcy. lloth Mr. and Mrs. Pryor com– pleted their high school and col– ~e education after their mar– nQge. Mrs. Pryor holds the bac– cala~eate degree from the Uni– versity of Arkansas and taught elders. Mr. Pryor ~gan preach– ing in 1910. He has done full– time located woi:k at Fayette- ' ville, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Campbell, Mo. He has held gospel meetings in a number of 'states: Much of his preaching has b~en j.p. mission areas in establi~hing congregations or strengthening· weqk churches. Both of their sons graduated from Harding College with maj– ors ·in chemistry and subse– quently received graduate as-. sistant in chemistry at Loui siana State University. L. E., Jr., was a cherpist for Cook Paint and Varnisli Co. in Kansas City, Mo. , at the time of his 1 mexpected death in 1944. Dr. Joseph E . ·has been professor of c~emistry at Harding College smce 1944 and Dean of the Col– lege since 1960. Both of their . daughters-in-law, Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor of Searcy and Mrs. Kay Cavin of Kansas City; ,are Harding _graduates. . ! . . one-room, eight-grade school in his home community near Em– erson in 1911. He later served as superintendent of the school system at Poukeepsie and direc- . tor of the teacher training pro– g~am at the .Capipbell, Mo. , h~h school. . .- During f923-24 , Mr. Pryor was a member of the faculty of Ar– kansas Christian College at Mor– rilton. In the fall of 1933 he join– ed the .faculty of Harding Col– lege as Ass~iate Professor of , ·Social Science and has been as- ?ciated wfth Harding College smce, movmg to Searcy in . the fall of 1934 . and purchasing a {arm near the college campus on · the old Kensett . highway whep. the college moved from Morrilton to Searcy. · . The Pryors are members of the College Church of Christ which he serves as one of the -~arcy (Arie.) Daily CITIZEN~ Tuesclaf July I, 1'65 ~ Citizen SCJCIETX more, a girlhood friend of Mrs. Pryor, who attended the wed,. ding of Mr. and Mrs. Pryor on July 5, 1915. Searcy couple marks 50th • Out-of-town relatives present anniversary for the anniversary were J.M. . Pryor, Sr., and Ira J . Pryor, Mr. and Mrs . L·. E ?ryor ~rothers · of Mr. Pryor, M rs . celebrated their golden wed .. Daner Sewell, sister of M r. I ding anniversary at an open P ryo~, all of Emerson; Daner , house at the home of their son Sewell of Emerson, Harvell and daughter-in-law, Dr. a n d Sewell orf El Dorado ; G l e n Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor, Sunday Sewell of Jena , Louisiana; Mr. afternoon, July 4. About t w O and Mrs. Dale Dunn and Mrs. hundred friends and relatives Orville Lee Smith of Springhill, called during the afternoon to JJouisiana; Mrs. Archie B. honor the <!OUple for t h e ir Wynne and.aaughter, Martha mapy ..years of unselfish serv- Kay, of Emerson ; Mrs. Billy ice and for their fifty years i~, Modisette of , Shangaloo, Louisi– maintaining a Christian home. ana ; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Grandchildren of the honoree \Villiams and son, J_e~fery Lee, Be\Yerly ·Jo, , .Joe Byron· a n d af Shre~eport, Loms1~a , a_nd Susan Pryor, kept the guest ~ay Cav_m and ~rs. Olhe Lan– book. Serving the guests were i1s of Kansas City. !'vlrs. Joseph E. Pryor and Mrs . Other out-of-town guests in– Kay Cavin of Kansas C i t y. 2luded M;. and ~rs. C. H. iaughtets-in-law of Mr. an d ,orrells . or Green~1ll~: Texas ; Mrs. Pryor. Dispensing hospi- !luey Miller of Spr~gneld, Mo ; ~ality and assisting in the serv- Mr. and Mrs. Cohs Campbell jng were Mrs. Clifton L. Gan- ')f Yor~, Nebr•aska; Dr. and us , Jr., Mrs. Lott Tu c k er, Mz:s. George Gurganus of Mem– Mrs. Virgil Lawyer Mrs M oh1s, Tennessee; Mr. and Mrs. E. Berryhill, Mrs. Evan Ulrey·, Bruce B~rton of Birmingham, Mrs. Leslie Burke, Mrs. Ken- Alabama, Dr. ..and Mrs. Jack neth Davis and Mrs N e i I Mccorkle of Mmeola, Te x a s Cope. ' ,. . 3nd Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rich- Th • t bl mond of Cleveland, Tennessee. e anmversary a e was draped in a white imported lace "' r r and linen cloth and was cen- · tered with a six-branch brass I candelabrum bearing golden tap- I ers and centered with a nose- , ~ay of yellow roses. The tier- ' ed anniversary cake was em.– bossed with yellow roses and was topped with golden bells bearing the number ''50". A large crystal punch bowl, nut and mint dishes comolimented the table. Beautiful g:ift flowers w e arranged throughout the h use which made a lovely set– ting for entertaining. A special guest was M rs. grta Walters Poston, of G i 1-
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