Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

Pal· Bowman was crowned Harding's 1963 Queen of May by Dr. Joseph Pryor,· dean of Harding. The event which was rescheduled twice because of Arkansas' rainy weather took place M~y 1 on the front lawn of the campus. M rs. Bowman is a junior elementary education major from Leachville, ~ Members of her court were Louise Tucker and Jeffery Rorex. Synette Hubbard and Faye Bush of Harding Academy also attended the Queen. A tall statuesque blond from Denmark was crowned Queen of May during Harding College's May Fete Saturday. She is Kirsten Christensen, a junior majoring. in home econo– mics. Miss Christensen was born in Denmark but now lives in Hitchcock, S. D. Harding pro– fessor Dr. Joseph Pryor crown– ed the radiant eyed beauty be– fore a large crowd on the Hard– ing campus. Miss Christensen won over two other reauties. Virginia Organ, a tall senior from Shreveport, La., and Edna Lamberson Cloud, a dark-haired junior from Ham– mond, Ind. Following the crowning, 32 cam– pus beauties wound the tradition– . al May Pole. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, Dean of College and Professor of Physical Science, 1 was elect- ed president. of the At:kansas b1r . tercollegiate Athletic Con- o · · forence . for 1968 at the r"' [ semi - a n n u a I meeting of · · the AIC F ac ulty Repr~ta-- : ( ~i tives in Little Rock Dec. &-9. L. Colleges A. Tope, Chairman of Ure Phys-- and as ics Department at Henderson Region State Colle~, was elected first 'also a vi, president, and Dr. J oe Rob f(?r the ,. . \ bins, Chairman of the P.hysi ~thletic Department at Hendrix Colleg~ He is p f o in th · was i cted ·second vice-p~ can Associa on for A d 1t. The Faculty Representa ment . of ~i ., the tives, one from each of the Edacation sociation, . member AIC in 'titutions, make ionalEduca on Associa up the governing body of the ma ki, ~hi Kappa p linois; Greenville College, Green ville, Illinois ; Phillip.s University, Enid, Oklahoma; Friends Univer· sity , Wichita, Kansas: Beth o l ollege, Nqrth Newton, Kan– ~a-s; and Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. The NCA Liberal Arts Stud y Dean J os€ph E . Pryor, Harding Program was ~Ul in lH42 as , College, att nd2d a meeting o f' ~~ . riou, !he committee on Liberal Art t· liberal arts colleges in the north j Edu~ation of the North Centra' ~entraJ region to improve their Association ?f CoJ_b ges at ~h~_ Pal aca,demic program through .a co j mer House m Chicago, Il1m01s on operative study. Each summer. Saturday, September 21. D can two four-we 0 k workshops are held. Pryor has been selected to s2rve one at the University of Minneso– as a co-ordinator in the NCA Lib- ta and the other at the Univer– cral Arts ,Study Program for the sity of Michigan, at which a _rep– ncxt three years. As a co-ordina resentative trom a college parti– tor, he will as,sist seven collcget cipating in the program come s during 1963-64 in their self-stud. for seminars, lectures, · and re– programs and will spend one da) search on the particular problem ')n each c~mpus as a consultant. on which his institution is work The colJeges which have been iug. During the regular s(:hoo· • ss!gncd to Doan Pry_or :lot- th session, this repr sentative ·v · current year are Illinois eslii .as chaj{man of a study group to \ 1 f! t:Jniversity, Bloomi_ngton, eontinue work on the problem. AIC. . Chi, Alpha si Omeg~ Dr. Pryor , a 19·37 Harding Delta Psi, lpha Chi aduate, received the Masmr's Phi Lambd Upsilon a ud Doctorate degrees in Math pa Mu Ep o ·. matics and Physical Chem- · - t5lry from Louisiana Stqte Um.– Please turn tc, pasi- five