Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

.SUMMER GRADUATION-Sharon Unland Grady, St. Louis, Mo., receives the Bachelor of Science degree flom Dr. George S. Benson, · Harding College President, while Albert WiUia.m Gray, Dallas.– Tex., wa,its his turn to be another of tlle 56 persons receiving degrees at Harding yesterday. Others 011 stage are Dr. Donald R. Sime, seated, commencement speaker, Virgil Beckett, registrar, getting the next diploma ready, and Dean Joseph E. Pryor, ready to announce th.e next recipient of a · degree_. Dr. Joseph Pryor, dean of Har ding College, has been appointed , . a cohrdinator for the Liberal Ar-ts Study group of North Central As– sociation of Colleges and Second– ary Schools. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, de an '. of Harding College, will leave the Harding campus to attend a meeting of the North ·· Cen– tral Association Sub-committee on L i b e r a 1 Arts Education, which will be held in Chicago, Ill., Saturday, September 26. Attending this conclave is a part of Dr. Pryor's duties as co-ordinator for the Li b e r a l Arts Study Program of the North Central Association of Col– leges and Secondary Schools. This will mark the second year that Dr. Pryor has held the post. Dean Pryor will visit eight institutions during the coming year in conjunction with h i s duties as co-ordinator. T ·h e sc schools include: Avila College , Kansas City, Miss our; Co I Jege of St. Mary,· Oma– ha, Nebraska; Culver-Stockton I College, Kenton, Missouri; Da– l kota Wesleyan University, Mitchell , South Dakota;, Grace– land College, Lamoni, Iowa; Mount Mercey College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa; and · Westmar College, Le Mars, Iowa. The Dean's appointment brings the .total number of coordinators 1 of the Study group to ten. He will serve seven schools: Friends Uni– versity, Wichita, Kan~; Bethe I. College, North Newton, Kan.; Fort Hays K·ansas State College, Hays Kan.; Phillips University,E n id, 1 Okla.; Sterling Cqlfoge, ~terling.1 · Kan.; Greenville College, Green- ville, IJI.; and Illinois Wesley a n Ur:iiversity, Bloomington, Ill. · The new assignment will take .the Jiirding ·0ean to the Universi~ ty of ~ich~gan, Jqly. ·22-,26; _for a works~ p. ·. PI: y.or . '1-as a. . roen;i~r of the North Central CoJ11IPittee on Liberal · Arts Education in . is– si-54 · and· ·attended the .1949 work- . shop in l\finnesota ..~d ,the· .. i950 1 Chicago-workshop. -Dr:_ James .At- . kberry Jr:, heatl _"of .\he ~ar4ii:ig .G~llege · English De~tm:ent, -i.~ th1s· ye~r_'s · i·epr~JJ~iv~ f~F ;tq~ \~ork&hop pi . M"'.l:fllleSOta, l'Jj 1 n ~· )7 ' through July 12. ~., ·• · · ·.' .. ' llardipg has participated i n North Central Liberal Arts Study group since 1946. ·