Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
BISONS ACCEPT AIC AWARD-SEARCY-Dr. Joseph Pryor, left, Harding College faculty athletic iepresentat!ve, accepts the trophy signifying. the Bisons -winning of the AIC sportsmanship award for football. · Making the presentation is Dr. Joe Robbins, Hendrix College' faculty representative and past president of the AIC. )_JJ.P \ .~ i . ~ U . l . , First AIC Football Award , Harding College Wins / SportsniansliipTrophy SEARCY - Harding College has casting votes. - joined the ranks of the Arkansas "Usually honors involved only a Intercollegiate Conference trophy small segment of a group," -said winners. The Bisons received the Harding Coach Carl Allison, "but. league's sportsmanship trophy for this trophy is to· the entire studenf football. body and faculty. This,honor goei Making the presentatjon at a both to the team and the fans." ceremony on the Harding campus Dr. Joseph Pryor, Harding·dear I was Dr. Joe Robbins, Hendrix Col- and the Bisons'- representative or lege faculty athletic representa- the AIC faculty committee, in ac I. tive and past president of the AIC. cepting the awai:d for the school The award, approved by the AIC said, "Sportsmanship can be mis faculty committee last spring, is understood. It doesn't mean lettinl given not only on the basis of play- others run over you. It does meu ers' action .on the field, but also putting all you .have into the game on the conduct .of students to visit- abiding both by the rules and the Ing· students, relations with offi- spirit of the rules. OUr team de– cials and on general courtesy on v el o p e d sportsmanship under 1 the part of the visiting and host coaches Allison, Hugh Groover and achools. John .Prock." , A similar award will be present- Harding, in its second year of i ed at the ·end of the current bas- intercollegiate football after a lay– l ketball season. off of nearly :M> years, had a 1-5-3 , Making the selection were mem- record last fall - its first in the I her schools of the conference with AIC. Relying heavily on a stubborn the coach, football captain, head defense, the B;s«,ns defeated Col– cheer leader, athletic director and lege of the Ozarks, 34-0, and tied I student manager frorri each school Ouachita, Hendrix and_ Mi~saps. f - - 1Harding MakesAIC Application Sy CBARL1E ADCOCK. (I)ernocrat Spotts Writer.> Ce i1 Beck, Itarding intra~ural 1 ditect<1r I has b e e n selected to A Harding facUlty athletic com- coach tl1e ,Bi~on grid squad rtext mittee wrote AIC commissioner f.U and he II in the process of try- Oliff Shaw last W«!ek, asking de- -~.J~.;~r~i~t:n 8 i:t~~~e'to sev– tails for . A formal ,at>plicatioh for eral teams that we feel might be ntembership. Shaw s reP.lf stated in our cla8si but w~ haven't re• that tM l@tt~~ of in9mry ~ould cel~ed arty replies,•• stated, Beck. stdhd as an application and all . 11 We'll begin With what we can, that rema~ned would be for the but 80 far w~ don 1 t h a v e any 8cbool to pay a .1;11etn1>ershitl fee games scheduled. I• 1 to the cotlference 8 secretary. Beck has had ·no coaching ex- When contacted at Searcy Hard- perience, other t~an his work .at Ing ottidals stated that they would H~rdirtg_ on the mtramural level. Jlardfng College, a lrrtall church- let their ietter "atahd as A formal His assistants have rtot beell ae- ' supported institution at Searcy, aApitJlWatlon tor membership in th,e lecHt~di· 'ng's faculty athletic com• ' .. hall app1it!d roil membership in C the Arkans~s Intercollegiate con- · · . mittee is ·~omposed of Josel)h ~- fetence. Action on the Harding ap- th6 AIC laculty ath16ti~ coitr I'ryot 1 charrman; Mt E. Berryhill, plication i! expected to come at mfttee has a tentative meeting sot athleUo ~rector,. and C1ifto ~– a pOssible r bruary meeting of tor late January or early Febru- Ganus, vice president .of the col– the AIC's faculty athletic cmnmit- ary ·add Shaw aaid that "Hard- lege. Berryhill, who re_cently _suf- tee. 1 tns•s application could be acted tere~ a heart atta~k, is co~med -. • . UJ1(>n at that m~eting. Votes on to )tis home and will be available A rec~nt decuiion to fi~ld a foot- 1 new members"can be taken at any for. som~ time for o~ limit~d balt u,~m next tall on a· very lim- m-ting, provided they apply 30 ·duties with the Harding athletic 1 ited basis pa\led thi way for tlard• day in advanc~/• progr81Jl. . it'lg's .ttppllcation. The B~ons had Harding currently competes on . scrught tnetnbership over a year With ttte recent re•admittance an · tercollegiate level ht basket- 11go, btif withdrew when the school of ~therfi State, the AIC Diem- ball and will have a track team l@arned of an AIC provision that bersbip now ~s nine with eight : readf thia spring. The Bisons have requires prospective members to tt1etrtber1 fielding fOotball teams. won aeven tilts and lost only twice .,be prepared to field tea111B in A speciM provision in the confer• bl ca1e action prior to tl:le Christ.. three maJor sPQrts, i\tcluding foot- enc• cohstitutlon and by-lawt ex• mas holidays. bill, basketball and either track eanpts Arltantlat Colle1e f r o m Harding does not offer athletic or batttball." competing hi lootba11. scholarablpt.
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