Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
• • • • Virgil M. Beckett, registrar at Harding College and Dr. Joseph E . Pryor, dean, attended the ,mnual fall joint meeting of the Arkansas Association of Colle– giate Registrars and Admission Officers and the Arkansas Deans A~sociation at Arkansas College m Batesvill~, October 14-15. The deans and registrars heM \ separate group discussion meet– ings Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning but met jointly for a dinner address by Robert Mahn , registrar of Ohio Uni.. lvcrsity. I Beckett is president of t h e Arkansas Association of Colle– rriate Registrars and Admissions Officers and presided a t t h e meeting of registrars. DE!an D. C. Andrew of Southern State Col– lege is chairman of the Arkan- 8as Deans Association. PRESIDENT GREETS - George E. B•wetf, one of Mven Harding teachers mumlng from INv• of iibHnCe, was greeted Wednesday by Dr. and Mn_ C. L. Ganus and Dr. and Mn. J. E. Pryv at the annual President's Reception which offici•lly opens Harding College. The faculty assembled at C•mp Tahkoclah near Batesville for two days of orient~on Thursday and Friday.
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