Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

• • •. A ,, I D:: -.; y- s· ;- ~ , Dr. Joe ~ryor (right) ~nd t11e student body officers-President .. -PryQr·. tO .erve ., :~ . Bud. d ~ ~iy(>ir~, ~eep J~ H~zel~aker, ~nd secretary Kathryn Uoberts ( ~ • -dur~ng their mstallation m chapel Thursday. ,<~; o~ ·-commmee ·,: .,._:; /f!xeyers Is lnaugui::atell .\ ;, for-North Central ··._.-; D · : · .. . r . • ,:: i ., 1 , Dr. Joe Pry;,r ,Harding chem. • oy.. Pryor. Beto re Emal I j,, · istri anq ,.physics department .~ •. · . . · · · , ', .• head, has ·been chosen for the •'f.·.~. r:;;:_ ~ · · b I • I s~cond str~ig·ht ·ear !O serve -- on :-/• ~ .en-asse·m I y \ the Committee on Liberal Arts . · . , . Study . of the North Central As• · sociation under the· Commission on ltesea.rch and Service. Pryor is one of the three faculty mem• BY LIN WRIGHT . bers selected .-from some 71 col– ' leges .partjclpating in tbis ·study program. Dr.· Joe ris the . Central Dis• Iowa. . The· -other tWQ disttJcts, . ttlct . representative which in– cludes Arkansas, 'Minnesota, Wis– consin, --Illinois, Missouri ana qowa. ,,tfie other ·two :distri~ts. the Easte.a.., Jlnd .the : Western, are .rep~sented -by .Dr.. Kar l',fas– sonari, ':Acting Dean I of ·, Goshen College, and :R.. Arthur . E. Put• lain, Jr.,· professor ·ot ofolog:y . at Lincoln University. j The c9mplete committee is made up of seven members. The presidents of the o:>lleges com– .bine and select one member and the North · Central ,Association provides the other three. _The faculty committee . repre– sentatives .are voted on. A per– son must attend one of the two workshops· held each year to be eligible · for election. One was h~ld·a't the University o'f Chicago and .:>ne a't the Univer~ity of Minn~apolls la~t ye~r. . Several Harding faculty mem– bers have attended the workshbp including Mrs: E. · R. Stapleton, Dr. . W. _K. ,Summitt, ·· Dr. Jack Wood Sears, Dr. ··George .-Benson and Dean L. C. Sears. ·. . 'Mondcfy thr~ugh Thursday of next week, ~ryor · will attend· the annual meeting· of the association at .the Pal.mer House in ·Chicago. ------· 3.., I 'lS-3 . Buddy Meyers, Student Council pres~dent~elect, along with newly elected vice president Joe Hazelbaker and secre– taty Katheryn Roberts, was installed officialiy during a general assembly meeting at chapel exercises Thursday. · ·. Dr. Joe Pryor, council advisor performed the installation ceremony before , an · audience · that applauded the three majority-vote choices. Takes -Over June 6 I -----~---...,______ Meyers, who was elect~d last cat\se we have tried,'' Allen said. week, will a~sume his dutie~ as Later_ during:. the program, president June 6. He succeeeds Allen opened the session to ques– Jimmy Allen. Miss Roberts and tions· from the floor. Ponder Hazelbaker will afso go into ofice Wright queried the president as the day after gr&duation. Hazel• to why personal evangelism had baker succeeds Jimmy Massey been discontinued on Friday and Miss Roberts succeeds Shir• nigh . Allen explained that · the 1 Iey Fegan. grout., was now meeting on Mon-• Meyers, who went to a decisive day 'night to co-ordinate all ~ re– victory last week over Bob Ander- l~igi us activities, giving students son, Eileen ·Snwe ana Bill Curry, an xtra night to stucJy-iI they i calmly nsw~r:ed ' will" after · 1 · - · l Pfyor . read tne inauguration Families .To Function& . I pledge-. _ A proposal to allow families of man ~ea students to attend school ; funct ons on activity tickets was I tabled and ,, slated for furthei.· Pryor ~xhorted the trio to use Wisdom and 'judgment in their decisions. 'He explained the re– sponsibility of ·the office and urg– ed ~he three to ·"work in the in• terest · of the students -and the interest of the school." Foliowing the instaliation, tne three outgoing officers spoke briefJy. Miss ~ Pegan asked · the students to back the council "as yo~ nave done for us." Massey simply stated his thanks for stu– dent co-operation during the year: TJibut.e To Pryor Allen paid tribute to Pryor in his farewell address. He said: ". . . really · appreciated being associated with Dr. Pryor this year. We have tried to do our best. We'ye had a good year. I be– lieve that God has helped us be- action by the council. , . . • The ·action to be taken is the outgrowth of a · complaint that activity ticket purchase should be optional. · The new president is . a junior from McGehee. Hazelbaker is a junior from · North Liberty, Ind. and Miss Roberts is a junior from 1 Isabel, Kan. · Meye~s is the third council president. The first was Charles Cranford who was succeeded by Allen. Though Meyers did . not make a formal statement Thurs– day, he went on record following his election as saying, he would do his best to make the counciJ and its objecti~es a success.