Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1983-1997

ten's home. While at OVC he has assisted in _im– pnwing the annual gift income from S235,359 in 1977 to $830,285 in 1982, with a school budget growth from 5627,864 to S2,052,150 during the same period. Three major facilities have been constructed: Fox Dining Hall, Stanley Student Union and a women's dormitory. Enrollment has in– cieased from 163 to 244 and accreditation was received from the North CeQtral Association of Colleges and Schools. Ten awards and/or sch~larstiips were presented following the conferring of diplomas. Receiving Distinguished Teacher Awards for 1982-83 were Barbara Barnes, moclate professor of physical education; Doa England, professor of chemutry, and Mary Ann Harris, associate pr?fessor .of educ,tion. . The awards are given each year to three faculty members judged by students and peers as excelling in classroom teaching, service and Christian example. Each in– cludes Sl,000 in cash. Faculty members are iaelipl,le for the award for five years after winning it, and may win i maximum o_f three times. Barnes joined the Harding faculty in 196? and completed a Master of Arts in Teaching degree in 1971_. She is a 1964 Harding lraduate and is married to Dr. Jerome Barnes, director of the Educational Media Center. The couple has three children: Roy, Randy and Jennifer. A name of Hickory Ridp, Ark., Mrs. Barnes is Director of Women's lntramurals and a member of Aaociated Women for Harding, Southern Association for Physical F.ducation of Collep Women, American Association of Health, Physical F.ducation and Recreation, .- chairman of the Arbnsas Association ~ Health, Physical F.ducation, Recreation and Dance. ·Enpmd is a former winner of ~ Dlltlnauished Teacher Award, both in 1967 and 1972. He joined the faculty in 1960 and is a ponsor of Afpha Chi Eta Chapter, author of A C,.riatian View of Origi,u and A Scientist Ezamino Fait/, and EwtlMee, and . a deacon at College church of Christ. Kdtl, Stotu. kft, prnidnt of Ohio Valley eou.e. Parbnbtur, W. Va.. ~_an . honon,ry Doctor of Laws degree from. Hardi~g Preside,at Clifton GtUtw Jr. dunng spnng graduation cererr.onies May JS. (Photo by Mike James) He is married to the former I.:ynn Alexander and the couple has two children, Mark and Donna. England was educated at Austin Peay State College, ~larksville, Tenn.; The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and the University of Mississippi in Oxford, where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1966. England is a member ·of tlie mencan Chemical Society, Arkansas Academy of Science, Sigma Xi, Searcy Optimist Club, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Southeastern Association of Advisors· for the Health Professions. Harris joined the faculty in 1978 after a distinguished career as a public school teacher. She served as assistant-to the public relations director, Harding U?aiversity, from 1956-59; elementary school teacher, Paris, 111. from 1962-63, and public school teacher, Memphis, Tenn. from 1967-78. A 1954 Harding graduate, she received an M.F.d. in 1969 and an F.d.D.~in 1976 from Memphis State University. The wife of Jack D. Harris, the couple has two children, Robert Wayne and Lee Davis. Mrs. Harris is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Council•for Eaception Children, International Readhlg · Aaociation and Association for Childhood &location International.