Pryor Scrapbook Dr. Joe, 1986

--4 There turned out to be more memories than I expected, once I got started. I guess that's a sign of advancing age. More than all these memories, though, are the memories of being associated with you, and the example you set for me. I'll never forget your calmness, your kindness, your patience and your dedication to the Petit Jean and all the people who have had the great honor of working with you over the many years that you've been involved with the yearbook. No one can imagine how many lives you have touched, including my own, and how much it has meant to each of us to have been associated with such a fine example of a Christian gentleman. Thanks. Phil Phil Perkins, Editor, 1952 PHILIP E. PERKINS Manager Systems Analysis and Development Consumer Products Division EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, New York 14650 716 722-2371