Pryor Scrapbook Dr. Joe, 1986

--3 --Going up in a Stinson with Bob Futrell one Sunday afternoon to take some aerial shots of the campus to show the changes that had occurred since our Freshman year. When we got back down, and his father got ready to take off to go back to Walnut Ridge, the engine wouldn't start. I was glad it didn't decide to quit a half hour earlier. That was my first plane ride of any kind, and thankfully not my last one. --Putting Audrey McGuire in the Who's Who spread twice, since it was at a section break and I sent the two sections in at different times and couldn't remember how to alphabetize McGuire and Massey. I'm still not sure how that should go. Leaving Jimmy out may have been prophetic since I ended up marrying his girl friend. --The trip (or maybe it was trips) with you to Camden to check up on the printer. My father went along on one of them. I especially remember trying to choose ink colors and their attempts to produce duotones of the campus shots, in the face of a plate maker who was either too drunk or not quite drunk enough to know what he was doing. --Long hours in the darkroom, sometimes alone, and sometimes with a companion. The companion was because I was attempting to follow the role model that you and Bessie Mae had set before me. --The late delivery of the books -- they got to Searcy barely before graduation -- and waiting out on the highway south of town on Sunday morning (it may have been the Sunday of graduation) looking for the truck from Camden, and then escorting it to the campus. --The sense of relief when it was all over, and the disappointment in not having produced a better book. It wasn't because I didn't have good people to work with -- Scooter, Lin Wright, Mary Ann Whitaker, Ricki Arimura, Dot Tulloss (who I taught to be a photographer -- I took some pride in that), Alice Straughn, Betty Thornton and a lot of others whose names I can't remember at the moment. For some reason I seem to remember more of the female staffers. That's strange, since I wasn't even interested in girls then, at least not very interested.