Pryor Scrapbook Bessie Mae, 1984
• • • As I sit here writing this note to you - nearly on the eve of Homecoming 1984 (25 year reunion for Duiyat) - so many treasured memories crowd into my mind. I remember as if it\ were yesterday meetings, I bunking par- ties and fancy teas at your house on Market St. How cute lit le Beverly Jo wasa she would bounce i to our meetings from time to time. Your patience and soft an- swers as a mother were such en ouragement to me as I began motherhoo only two years later. I'm sure I've shared with you before how imp rtant your lessons of entertaining etiquette have been to me through the years as well as the picture you gave us all of a devoted, submissive w fe - totally happy with her role in life. But more than any of these lessons in life and great memories, what I treasure most is the abid love and friendship we'venjoyedthrough the y ars - ever in- creasing - down to this very moment. You're a great servant for the Lord, Bessie Mae, and I'm so thankful God has allowed our livesto touch. You've made my journey "home" easier and brighter, and I look forward to spending eternity at the feet of our ' Father with you.
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