Pryor Scrapbook Bessie Mae, 1984
REMARKS IN HONOR OF BESSIE MAE PRYOR - "BESSIE MAE DAY" Whereas one Bessie Mae (also known as Mrs. Joe) Pryor has unselfishly given of her time, love, energy, and entire self to her her husband, her three beautiful children (two of whom are Reginas; Jody would probably have been had he been a girl), her extended family, to children in her Bible classes, to AWH through directing of numerous weddings, to the elderly, to young people through her countless hours of counseling, attending almost every school program that comes to this campus, hostessing untold numbers of dinners, parties, and showers, to her community through involvement with Garden Club and PTA (just to name a few), and last - but not least- to Regina Social Club which to all of us has been synonomous with the name of Bessie Mae Pryor ----- who for thirty seven years has literally bent over backwards to see that hundreds of young women who have come on this campus have had in her a true Christian woman role model to follow ------one who loves and serves without expecting anything in return for her efforts. . • . • • • . . . •..•.•.••• WE, THE REGINA ALUMNI AND PRESENT REGINA SOCIAL CLUB DO HEREBY PROCLAIM TODAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1984, AS BESSIE MAE DAY (the Alumni Office thinks that this is only Homecoming Day), and do hereby desire to honor her in our own special way since she is such a special person to all of us. We have a tremendous gathering here for this occasion; and by the way, many called or sent notes saying that they could not make it for Homecoming, but wished to help us celebrate it anyway - and politely almost chided us for not having done something like this sooner for this very special lady. I personally and unselfishly am glad that this day is finally here - I have been losing sleep because of the anticipation and excitement. And to show you how she can outlast me anytime - we have really tried hard to keep this a secret from her - - - she was calling me last week wanting me to attend: the Continental Breakf ast with her at 7:30 a.m. today before this Coffee even began. I guarantee you that she'll still be outlasting me ten years from now. That's the truth - she's amazing! We all love her dearly. This morning, we have a few tokens of our esteem to help show our appreciation to her -- our own Queen for a Day. Now let the festivities begin ..••• As a former member, president and also as co-sponsor, I'd like to make the first presentation: (Susan puts crown on her head.) (1) * (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) one dozen red roses saying Regina Queen of Queens (Molly Mason will deliver them for us). Mary Lee Thompson (representing the 60's) - Memory Book Mary Ann Harris (representing presidents and SO's) - Proverbs book Charlotte McGee (representing the 70's)- Dishmaster. She was in charge of the mail-out. JoEllen Noland (representing the 80's and this year's president) - pearl necklace and earrings JoAnne Brown (representing the charter members for her sister Mary Kathryn King) - the set of luggage, navy blue with silver trim (5 pieces with each piece containing cash totaling $200) Breakfast prayer: Dr. Joe Club Songs (Beverly Jo helps with this.) *Memory Book compiled by Jayne Knapp and Jennifer Falkner, assisted by C.A. Affectionately "emceed" b
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