Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

Auditorium Dedication Scheduled March '27· j Harding's new George S. Benson Auditorium, one of the largest fa~ilities in the state, ·will be dedicated on·March 27 at 4:00 p.m. · "We are so pleased to have this excellent a~ditorium on our campus and feel that it will be an asset for many years to come for _our students and the community," said President Clifton Ganus Jr. "Harding wishes to extend a welcome .invitation to all alumni a~d friends to come :and be a part of the festivities on March 27," he continued. "The dedication ceremony will be held 1 in the aft~moon, and that night, Dr: Milton Friedman,. Nobel Prize-winning• economist ~11 speak for the American · Studies Lecture Series. So, we are planning on_a great day." - . ·•··The deoication ceremony will recognize ·t Dr. Benson, Harding's second president, who served from 1936-65, and his wife, Sallie. The 81~~ear-Qld former missionary to China is active today as president of the National ~ucation Program. Since his retirement, Dr. Benson has aided other Christian colleges across the nation in planning and building, and is still instrumental . in the work of the 1 Zambian Christian ,Schoo[ He also serves as an elder at the College Church ofChristjn Searcy. /-- "'9e •