Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980
.Miss Myra Elizabeth Cope, nd I Mrs. 0 . . rf.11 Starling, the ~ -- laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil ridegroom's grandparents and ~. Cope of Searcy became the Mrs. M. B. Harwell of Santa ->ride of David Philip Starling Ana, California, the bride's 1 111 a double ring ceremony at grandmother. the College Church of Christ in A reception was held 'in the Searcy at 6:30 p.m. on AprL church building ''after the cere- l4. His parents are Mr. a n d mony. Miss Karen Smith i:egis– M· Phil· Thomas Starling of tered the guests. ~rs. Joseph M rs.Do ipFl 'da ·Pryor and Mrs. Lott Tucker t ra' on . h . ~-..1 b The ceremony was perform were ostesses, ass1s~ y ed. b And T Ritchie under Mrs. Greg Rhodes, Mrs. Ted a wJte ar~h, flanked by sev-JLloyd, Mrs.. M.E. Berryh ~ 11, b h d candelabra The and Mrs. Cliff Ganus. The five en- ranc e ·. tiered wedding cake was made Harding Chorale sang, directed by the bride and topped with by G.E. Baggett. . wedding be~ls. Mrs. Norman Given in marriage by her Hughes poured at the reception father, the bride wore a floor The groom completed work length gown of pe{lil de soi'c. for his degree at Harding C9l– with lace bodice. }Jer pearl lege in January and since then jrop necklace was a gift from has been teachi.Q& Mt. Dora, the bridegroom. Maid of hon- Florida, whete the couple wil1 or was Miss Naita Jean Ber- reside. ·yhilJ of Searcy. Attendants wete Miss Nancy Cope and Miss ~ Ethel Bales of Searc y, Miss Gay Riggan of Sanh1 Ana j ~alaornia, Miss Marka H ar: well of Benson, Arizona, and Mrs. Dale Randolph, of Nash- . ville, Tennessee. They w o r f · matching dresses of jewel col– i>rs and each carried a long– . .;temmed rose. Byron Starhng, of Mt. Dora. Florida, and Dale Randolph, of Nashville, Tennessee, were groomsmen. Candlelighter s were Howard Paullin and Lar r~ Brown of Searcy. Ushers were Jerry Bolls and Ken CoP( of Searcy. At the bride"s boo]l in the foyer was Miss Loraint: ' ~ilpatrick of Mt. Dora, Flor-. ida. • Risinger, engagement ..... ~ r '
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