Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

of East Market and Blakeney. The shop will be j featured in the September Issue of "Gifti and f Decorative Accessories". / ~ Sep~C~e ~i!rc~~i~~roc~:~~ur!~Gey s~esw~~~~m~!~~keep u tun ...-~ ..Gifts and Decorative Ac- describes the pieces of an- the owner, Dr. Eva 1bcmp- keep that one-to-on£ ceuories," an international tique furniture used to son's.. ideas about mer- relationship with he1 gifts trade journal, features display cut glass, brass, . chanclising and it shows what customers, and to. displa~ I an article about Searcy's baskets, vases, figurines and one can do with "a bit of effectively." .( l Corner Gift Shop at East other items offered. resourcefulness" in a limited The owner is an associatt Market and Blakeney. Aphotograph of the shop's space. Pl'9fessorof home economic! The article begins with a interior shows hanging The article notes that Dr. at ··Harding College, wherE dllcription of the type of plants, antique floor lamps Thompson's 'intention is "to her courses include - home store and the variety of and Tiffany lamps. keep the Comer Gift Shop furnishings. Among the winners in the state bird poster contest sponsored by the Arkansas ~ Federation of Garden Clubs were several students at Harding Elementary School. Chris Ann Jones, Sixth grade, and Charles Jones, fourth grade, whose parents are Mr. and Mn. Jerry Jones, and Britt Thomas, third grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas,received first place awards. · The -Jeneses drew red-headed woodpeckers and Thomas ilrew an American goldfinch. Other winners in the woodpecker category were Carmileta• Leonard, fifth arade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leonard; Allen Tate, fifth grade, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sid Tate; Sara Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Brown; Goldfinch additional winners were Greg Hen– derson, sixth grade, son of Dr. and Mrs. John Hen– derson, Blake Woodson, third grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodson ; Joe Dugger, fourth grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dugger, and Brad Altman, fifth grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Altman. Mrs. J. E. Pryor was chairman of the event. · . Winners were announced at the State Convention of < AFGC this week in Little ' Rock. Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor, an outstanding . community leader in Searcy and throughout the state, was signally honored this week by the Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs. Mrs. Pryor was named outstanding member of the Northeast · District of the federa~ion at the group's annual con– vention at the Camelot Inn in LiWe Rock. The winner was chpsen from among nominations made by the clubs in the Northeast District. The presentation was made by retiring presideqt Mrs. Henrietta Kelly of Little Rock. Mrs. Pryor, a past president of both the Greenkeepers Garden Club and the Searcy Council of, Mrs. Judy M. Johnson has been appointed county Ex– t ens ion agent-home economics leader for White County, effective April 1 ac– cording to Kenneth S. &tes, director of Cooperative Ex– tension Service. Her appoint– ment is subject to approval of the ·president of the University of Arkansas. Mrs. Johnson is the former Judy Marie Hersey of Farm– ington, and attended high school at Fayetteville. She has a bachelor of science degree in home economics from the University of Arkansas . at Fayetteville and a master of science degree from East Texas State University at Com– merce. After .graduation from the University of Arkansas she joined the Dairy .~cil, Inc., as program director and was headquartered at Texarkana. She joined the \ Texas Agricultural Exten- ion Service in 1972 as Exten– .~jon agent in the Expanded 1-~ and Nutrition Educa– b n Program and was pr~ m ted to county Extension kg 'J'lt-home economics for BO'\l~ie ·C()Wlty in 1973. In 1975, Mrs.·Johnson joined the Arka s Cooperative Ex- I tension Service as county Exten~jon agent-home economics leader for Miller County. .Mrs. Johnson is a member I of Epsilon Sigma Phi American Home Economic~ Association as well as · Arkansas Association of Ex– tension Home Economists, where she has served as newsletter editor, public af– fairs committee chairman and first vice-president. She won the AAEHE com– munications award for radio solo in 1979. She is married to Johnny M. Johnson and they have one son. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hersey of Springdale. In making the appoint– ment, Bates expressed his appreciation to County JudgeWaylon Heathscott for his interest in and support of the extension educational program in White County. Garden Clubs, 1 served as club on the Har · Northeast District Director for 32 years and is ember from 1974-76 a~d was State of Friendship Extension Bird Chairman for the past Hom-emakers Club, two years. Associated Women for During the convention she Harding and llarding presided for the Con- Women. She is the wife of Dr. servation Luncheon TUesday J . E. Pryor, acad c dean when Mrs. Sam Terry, and vice president Df Har– former Searcian:~ coor- ding. dinated a style show from 1n addition, sbe was the ~orsyth Shop lor the named chairman of the 1980 entertainment state AFGC convention and Mrs. Kelly cited the the meetma · of the South Searcian for her contribution Central Region of Garden to the program of garden Cl bs hicb · , clubs in the state. Mrs. Pryor u w will be held is a talented flower wager simultaneousl)' in Little and teacher as well as a Rock March 30-~ and April 1 gardener. of next year. During the Also, she is a Bible class bminess ~ she was teacher and a member of elected to the ~d of the Thursday School faculty at . Northeast istrict. Mrs, Jan the College Church of Chriat, Young of cCrory was · in– has sponsored ~ social stalled as state president. ·•