Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980
Of Wide Interest Special to The Commercial Appeal TUSCUMBIA, Ala., March 23. - A wedding of wide interest was the marriage of Miss Virginia Ann Morris and Clifford Wayman Sea- ' wel, March 15, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Chesley Morris, in Tuscumbia. 1 The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Seawel of St, Louis. The ceremony was read by Flavil H. Nichols of Birmingham, former minister of the Tuscumbia Chureh - of Christ, with only the immediate families Jttending. An improvised altar formed a background of greenery interspersed by tall white baskets of white calla lillies, white ,· roses and stock. Branched candela- , bra holding white tapers flanked this arrangement. The mantle was . banked with greenery to frame- a low basket of white flowers and s in white wrought iron hold- ss Dinie Hamlet, pianist, and Meek, soloist, presented the . Mrs. Graydon McCoy, cous– . in of the bride, lighted the candles,' Bridal Gown Described The bride, 15iven in marriage by her father, wore a gown n of white ! Chantilly lace ·with a n empire waistline, with shirred bodice and I brief sleeves. The full skirt fea- , tured a scalloped ballerina length hem. Her heirloom fingertip veil 1 of .Ulusion, worn by four other bride• in her family, fell from a tiara of seed pearls. The elbow– length lace mits matched her dress, and she carried a white satin Bible topped by a white orchid and white hyacinth. PLEDGE VOWS- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wayman Seawel were ..married March 15 at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Chesley Morris, at Tuscumbia, Ala. The bride is the former Miss Vir- Mrs. Joe Lee Gammon of Rich– mond, Va., sister of the bride, was matron of honor and her only attendant. She wore a green satin gown with a I net overskirt and stole. She carried a purple orchid bouquet. Mr. Seawel spent two years in the , Robert Futtell of Walnut Ridge, Marine Corps during World War II. 9 inia Ann Mo~ris. - S'\o ..:Ai;k., was beat man. ' He also attended Harding College, Mr1. Morris chose a dress of navy I where he· was president of the ATA J&ce for her daughter'• wedding, · · club, president of Dramatics and and Mrs. Seawel, the bridegroom's ,,Campus Players, aports editor of mother, wore a gown of pink lace. \ the Yearbook and apo.rts writer for Their corsages were purple orchids. the college paper, He served as ,Following the wedding a recep- : 1 captain of intermural footl;>all and .. lo\ for 200 .,guests was held. The buketball. He is at pre1ent a 1tu.. brf,e'a table was centered by white \ , dent in the School of Speech at ro~ and calla lillies in a iiilver , David -Lipscomb Cc,llege, Nu. hville. bowl, .fla,nked by white tapers In ' · -------- · ,sUver ·candlesticks. The tiered wed- ding take was at 1>ne end of the • table, .,erved by Mrs. Ottice ·Blank- 1 ' enship. From tae other end of the! I br"de's "f4ble punch was served by • Mrs. Hern\an Cook. Mrs. H. C. Mc-I Gee and Mr.s. Nell Stephenson. - othera uslating were Mrs. Roy Mc– Collum, Mrs, Myron Pope, Miss M4ry Lou Underwood and Mra. 1 Margaret Crowe. , Out-of-Town Gueits ( Gueeta were greeted by Mrs. Hat– ton Bigbee, and Kay Morris kept the register. · ' For he,r wedding b1p to the North , Carolina mountains Mrs. Seawel .wore a mauve suJt. ' Out-of-town guests 'included Mr. ,.and Mrs. Clifford Seawel, Miss Kay • Seawel, Mr. and Mrs. George Bur– [•.l'lett ot -St. Louis; Mi:. and, Mr.a. Clarence Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. i .Roy McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. FlaviJ I : Nlchola of Birmingham; Mrs. My– ron Pope, Mr. and .Mrs. Audie Craig , and Miss Kay Drafg ot Gadsden, .Ala.; Dick Morrow and Phil Mor– t row o Middletown, Ohio; Miu Cathy COM ~cl Mr and ~r - .._ Wlllt~"Of 8eM"Cy, Ark.: Lin ~-Wright of Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. 1 .Al W11hlte and Miss Emm·a Ruth Blankenship ot Tu~caloos11, AlL; llolJert Futrell ot Walnut· Ridge; Mrs. Trimble, Decatur, Ala., and Mra. Joe Lee Gammon of Rich– mond. The bride attended Hardfnc Col- l . Jege at Searcy, Ark., where • he wu · voted the favorite of the • enfor l , claas and was president of the I GATA club. Sb,e served u editor of Petit Jean, college yearboqk, was fe~tu .e wrf ter tor The Bison, l ~ollege pa er, and as secretary of, 1 the Women's House Council. IJu~eWedding 1 'Js Presaged l3etrothal Of Miss King , To Donald Brown Disclosed !pedal to Tht Commercial Appeal BROWNSVILLE, Tenn., May 1 5. - Mrs. Hiram Delany King of Brownsville announces the I engagement _of her da_ughter, Miss Sara Jo Anne Kmg, to James Donald :Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester ,Dennis Brown of Searcy, Ark. The wedding will be June 2. Miss King is th,e dau~ltter of the late Hiram Delany King and granddaughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hardison of Carter's Creek, Tenn., and the late Mr. and Mrs: Joe King of Brownsville. ._ Sen.k>r At Harding , The bride-elect was graduated from Haywood County High School and will receive her bachelor of arts degree in June from Harding College in Searcy. She is president of Regina social club, a member of the Gollege Chorus and the annual and news– paper staffs, and a past sweet– heart of Koinonia, men's social club. The bridegroom-elect is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis Brown of Nashville Ark., and the late Mr and 'Mrs. Thomas Finlay :James of Nashville: Student at Purdue Mr. Brown was graduated from Searcy High·School and received his bachelor Qf science degree from Harding College, where he was a member of Koinonia. He was a member of Alpha Honor Society, and was listed in Who's Who Among Students in' American Universities and Col-: leges. Mr. Brow)'l. was awarded an assistantship in chemistry at Purdue University, where ·he is now in graduate school. r~!IJlift
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