Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

(Ark.) Daily CITIZEN, Friday, Nov. 27, 1970-P... t Harold Alexander of Hope and of the Beebe Church of Christ. Miss Arleta Brown, cousin of the 1'he bride is a senior at state bride, of Louisville, Kentucky. College of Arkansas. Thier Empire dresses of gold Out of town guests for the wed– satin were fashioned with long ding: Mr• . and Mrs. Claude Wood– sleeves. Buttons accented the ley of Denison, Texas; Mr. and bodice. Their headdresses were Mrs. Bill Hall, Barry and Gary satin covered bands entwinedwith of Denison, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. pom pons. They carried · ~hite Winfred Brown ofOklahomaCity, porn pon cascades. Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miss Tamara Ru th Toland, McKee of Oklahoma City, Okla– ni~ce of the bride, and Miss homa; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Michele McKeei cousin of the Straughn of Kansas City, Kans– groom~ of Midwest Ci1y, Okla- as; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Confer . homa, were flower girls. of· Mid-West City, Oklahoma; · Dan Anderson of Denisonserv- Owen Olbricht of Scranton, Pa.; ed his brother as man. Mrs. Alma Gresham of Mem– Arlin Hendrix and Gre g An- phis, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. derson, brother of the groom, Lambirth of Memphis, TeM.; were groomsmen. J. Ray To-. Mr. and Mrs. ·Ralph Thompson .i land, GaryWoodward, David Luke of Houston, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. i of Hastings, Neb., and Bruce W. L. Brown, grandparentsofthe · 1 Smith of Texas ushered. bride of Salisbury, Rhodesia; Mr. i Honored guests were Mr. and and Mrs. Allen Brown and faml]y j Mrs. W. L. Brown of Salisbury, of Little Rock; Mr. and Mrs. MR. ANQ MRS. ~VILLIAM WAYNE ANDERSON' JR. AnderS·on, -Biown vows pledged at West Sid"e Rhodesia, grandparents of the Bernard Brown and family of · i bride. Louisville, Kentucky; Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Brownwere hosts Mrs. Dale Mclntruff of Judsonia; at a reception at their home, Dr. and Mrs. Georg~ Ale~ of 1105 Dobbins Driv.e,followingthe Bald Knob; Mr• . and Mrs. Ken ceremony. The bride's table, cov- Elder and family of Kabarwa, ered with a floor-length cloth of Zambia; W o o d y Stogsdill, net over gold taffeta, held a cen- of Bloomington, Indiana; Miss terpiece of white mums in a crys- Sandra Hickingbottom of For– tal and silver epergne. rest City; Mr. ancf Mrs. Fran– Mrs. F~ank Groves made ~e cis Bennett of Bloomington, In-1 1 four-tiered wedding cake, frosted diana. -t with white and topped with wed- · ding bells, was served by Mrs. Franklin Lambirth and Mrs. Al– m.a Gresham, both of Memphis. The groom's cake was served by Mrs. Ralph Thompson of Hous, ton and Mrs. Roger McKee of Midwest Cicy. Mrs. Claud Wood– ley of Denison poured. Susan arid Jan Brown of Little Rock dis– • in rite Miss tarol Ann Brown daugh- leaves. The gown was stitched by . tributed' rice ibags. ter of Dr. and Mrs.'Arnold Mrs. Hubert For?. Her only The wedding was directed by West Side Church of Christ, was the setting for the Novem– ber twenty-first wedding of Betty Ann Work and Zearl David Wat,. son. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Work of Trenton, Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. F. Z. Watson of Clarks- I ~id, Mrs. -Jimmy Crockett of Rose Bud and junior bridesmaid, Miss Glenda Anderson of Monti– cello, were dressed identically to the maid of honor. They all carried kissing balls ofwhite spi– der mums on an aqua background of netting. R be t B nd w·ir jewelry was an heirloom Cameo Mrs. Joseph Pryor. . 0 _r rown, a i iam and she carried a lace covered WhEUt Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Wayne Anderson Jr., s~n ofMrs. Bible topped with an orchid and left fot a weddmg' triptonorthern Wayne Anderson ofDemson, Tex- te h ti · s p ano s. Arkansas, the bride wore a pink .ahS, anded th e l~te A nd ersoTnh, ex- Mrs. J. Ray Toland of Little knit suit·with gray accessori~s. c ang ·marriage vows urs- . , f · d N be 26 t lo , 1 k ~ock was her sister s matron a They ~ill be at home in Bee- ay, ovem t' a o c oc h - B 'd " d "M be h th . . . te in th . t th w t S"d onor. r1 esmai s were rs. w ere e groom is mirus r e morning a e es i e,_____ _ ~:.::re:o~h:~;P:~~r!':b~; rl the father of the bride. An arch covered with gree~ery, and pon porns, floo~ baskets of mums and seven-branch candela– bra formed the setting. Double ~ I candle trees were placed at each end and three candle·s for the uni– cy c~mony were on a pedestal. The pews were marked with can– dles tied with ·gold and white ribbon and greenery. Nuptial musie was provided by Dr. and Mrs. wm1am w_ h ite. G · Baggett directed members of a · Hardq College Chorus. Escorted by her father, the bride wore an · original' floor– length gown of white bridal satin f fashioned with an Empire waist,. Um. The Alencori lace bodice had a round neckline. The lace Camelot sleeves ended' in a wide l cuff fastened with tiny satin but– tons. Her three-tiered veil of il– lusion was secured by a head piece of peau de soie and lace ville. Dr. Neale Pryor, Bible Pro- fessor at Harding College, per... Denis Alexander, in a gown matching the other attendants, was flowe girl. She dropped.rose , formed the ceremony. Wedding petals as she was escortedupthe music was provided by several aisle by ring bearer Ross Spur– members of the Harding A Cap. oc'i, .... who carried the rings on a pella. Appropriate hymns were pillow of turquoise velvet. sung prior to the ceremony, then Herman Spurlock of Searcy Celia Richardson was soloist for ' served as best man. Groomsmen "No Other Love", Dale Hardman were Ed Work of Lackland Air was soloist for · "I Pledge My Force Base and Rick Work of Love" and Dan Baker recited Trenton, Michigan, brothers of "Tribute" while "Because" was the bride. · hummed softly in the background. Programs were given before Aqua candles used in the five ,the marriage service by Mandy candelabras_, each centeredwith~ Risinger and Michael Spurlock. large turquoise bow and joined Rice bags were distributed by by a garland of smilax, formed Beverly Alexander and steven the focal point of the sanctuary. Spurlock. The candles were lighted by Jim Serving as hostess at the re– Green of Searcy, and Dale Work ception following the ceremony of East Lansing, Michigan, broth- was Mrs. Amanda Risinger. She er of the bride. was assisted by Mrs. Kenneth t The bride, given in marriage Davis, Jr. and Mrs. Clifton Gan- j by her father, wore a white sat,. us. College students Carol Smtth, in gown trimmed on the collar, Kay Peppers, Myra Mccourt, sleeves and skirt with rows of Linda Howell, Janice Stephens, lace and daisies. Her floor-length ~nd Kay Antley, also assisted. mantilla was edged with daisies I Mrs. Myal Royse served by matching those of the gown. She cutting the five-tier wedding cake, carried a bouquet of white r~ses baked by her husband, Dr. Nyal and carnations centered with a Royse. Miss Pauline Kroen– glapielia, used as a corsage on berger and Miss Carol Ann her·going away suit. Kroneberger of Tulsa, cousins of Miss Nancy Jane Work ofTre~ \the gr~m, ·poured the punch. ton, Michigan, served her sister as maid of honor. She wore a long sleeved floor-length gown of tur– quoise velvet, trimmed on collar . and cuffs with aqua lace. Brides- \