Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

MRS. JOHN HOWARD HITE Miss Cynthia Watts weds John Hite Rachel Rivers weds Dr. Bryce ·Roberson Miss Rachel Rivers, daughter a high neck and long sleeves. of Mrs. Louise Rivers of 7 Mag- Her headdress was a short match- M.iss Cynthia , Jean Wa~, skirt. She carried a lighted ca~ · nolia Drive became the bride of ing red fly-away net veil attached daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee dle with an attached single, long Dr. Bryce Roberson, son of Mr. to a velvet bow. She carried a Watts of Yarnell Road, became stemmed, white rose. and Mrs. ¥anley C. Roberson of single red poinsettia. the bride of John Howard Hite, Bridesmaids were Missei Utica, Michigan, Thursday even- Bridesmaids were Miss MaU!- - _ Carolyn Watts, sister of the·1 ing, December 1a, at the West dene Simon, Miss Molly Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. bride, Dinah Chisom and Mrs. Side· Church of Christ. The im- and Mrs. Mark Davis. Theywore Hite of Ft. )Vayne, Indiana, on : Wade Baker, who wore emerald pressive double ring ceremony costumes identical to that of the Friday evening, December 20, 1 green velvet gowns, and Misses was performed by Dr. Clifton L, maid-of-honor. Flower girl was at the West Side ·c hurchof Christ Nancy Watts, sister of the bride, Ganus J r. before an arch e~ Miss Susan Pryor. . dl G "- ' ' b ·ct ' building. The impr essive can e- Vicki Paine and Mrs. Hugh i~ twined with seasonal greenery. Richard Rivers, the ri es light service was performed by son who wore ruby-red velvet Large baskets of white mums and brother, was candlelighter. Wade· Johnson of Atlanta, Geor- 1gow'ns. The dresses worn by the two wrought-iron candlelabra, Clarenc~ Lovelace ofHumbolt, gia. bridesmaids were short sleeved, each holding seven candles, com- California, served as be~t mand The ceremony took place be- otherwise they were identical in pleted the setting. groom's brother, Gary Elhottan . The ceremony took place be- .style to that of the hon~r a~ The bride, given in marriage by Tom Reppart. . . fore an arch entwined with ce- tendant. her maternal grandfather, H. H. Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr. ~1rect-- dar and j>Oinsettias., flanked b~ Dexter Garmon, brother:-in-law Evans, of Anniston, Alabama, was ed a_chorus ofACap~ella singers large basketsofwhitegiantmums of the groom, served as best man. radiant in a floor-length gown of in the nuptial music. Featur ed and gladioli, and by two seven- Groomsmen were Harvey How- imported white brocade, styled numbers were, "How Do I Love branched candlelabra · holding ar d, Larring Blassingame, Rick on princess lines with long fi~ Thee" and "Entreat Me Not To white candles. Smith, Mike Galyan, Bob McDon- ed sleeves tapered to the wrist. Leave Thee." The bride, given in marriage ald and Freddie Woodruff. The . high round neckline and Following the wedding, Mrs. by her father, was lovely in an The candles were lighted by sleeves were edged with self Rivers received guests at a re- original gown of ivory peau de Debbie. and Greg Hite, sister and · fabric ruffles. She wore an illus- ception at the _church where Mrs. soie fashfoned ~ith J full-len&tlt brother of the groom. ion shoulder length veil attached Joseph Pryor was in charge of ar~ For her daughter's wedding, to a peau de soie bow. -She carri- rangements. The table was cen- panel of hea'?, imported ~ng- Mrs. Wattschoseanaquaandgold ed a bouquet of cascading gar- tered with a tall silver ca nd ela- lish lace, wi th th e medalhons b ade sheath made with I denias with white roses. bra holding red candles. Mrs. H. marked wilh pearls. A Jong, p;:'cess Jines and trimmed with Miss Paula Johnson was mai H. Evans, the bride'sgr_andmott. cathedral train of the lace was ruffled neckline. She wore a j of honor. She wore a floor length er, presided at the silver tea attached to the back of the gown. :hite rose corsage. full skirtofredvelvetwithawhite ~ervice. Mrs. Pryor cutandserv- The l~g-of-mutton sleeve~ were Mrs. Ellis Hlte, the groom's . blouse in Victorian design, with ed the three-tiered wedding cake. of lace .and p~au ?e o~o~:~ ~~ mother' wore a pink brocade,~ece tion in the social fe~low- Assisting at the . reception ' wore a f1nger:tip veil! . . sheath jacket-dre'ss ith a cor- . P urch build- were: Mrs. Ray Wright, Mrs• .creation, of ivory silk illusion, f bite roses ,ship room of_ the ch Charles Paine, Mrs. Perry Ma- trimmed withpearlsandlace,and sage o ;,illiam Cl;rk ofAtlanta,'ing. The_ servmg ta~le was cen- son and Mrs. Erle Moor_e. Mrs. :she carried a crescent bouquet G Mrs;. kept the guest book inltered w1~ a tall silver can:l~ Ma~Qn also presided at the guest ' of white roses centered with theorg~a, h foyer a~ the guests11 labra w~th an ar~angem;n . o t book at the entrance to the church cymbidium orchids and outlin- e . c urc . candystripe carnations an g1an receding the wedding. ed with English ivy from the ar~1ved.d" the ceremony apro-\ ':hite mum~. The large ~= l P Dr.- and Mrs. Roberson are brid~'s garden. ra~ec~f ~ped wedding,musicltiered wed~~- c:~~;~~~ ~ . making their home i~ Searcy, ~hss Carol Clark of .\tlanta, g b an AC lla Chor-~e_rved by lded 11t I !where Dr. Roberson is on the Georgia, was maid-of-honor. She ::~r~:t:ding Col:e. Mis!_ RJcbael Cqok pres l Science faculcy at Hardi~ Col- wore a floor-length go~~ of r~by- Following the wedding, the the punch bowl. Mrs. Joslj)h l lege, and where the bride ~111 con- ton~ velvet styled with a fitted bride's parents were hosts at a Pryor directed the wedding and t tinue her studies as a junior at the bod1~e, long sleeves and a full the reception. I college. l • •