Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

• MRS'. RICHARD ER\(IN BERRYHILL Berryhill.:H dnkins 1'ows · 1 pledged in church rite I Miss Jana Lee Hankins bec~me the bride ofRichard Er¥in Berry. hill -in a beautiful candlelight ceremony, Friday, June 6, at 7: 30 p.m. at the College Church of Christ. Parents of the couple are -Mr. and M;rs. W. D. Hankins, For her daughter's weddfni" Mrs. Hankins chose a P~incess style dress of yellow crepe with I matching brocade trim. Her pe~te cl(?Che of veuing, crown– ed with, a flower cluster, and othei- accessories matched her dress. Her corsage was a white Jr., of Springfield, Missouri, ~ nd phalaenapsis orchid. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Berryhill, Mrs. Berryhill, mother of the 5 Harding Drive. The double-ring bridegroom, wore an A-line dress ceremony was performed by the of blue-grey linen designed with bride's father. matching lace. A veiled soft yel- The vows were exchanged_ be- low pill box hat accented with fore an arch of candles entwined daincy bows and yellow acces– with fern. Spiral candelabra hol~ sories completed the ensemble. ing lighted white, cathedral tap. Her corsage was also a white ers, palm trees, and seven phalaenopsis orchid. branched candelabrawith burning . The bride's grandmother, Mrs. tapers crea~danethereal setµDJ. W. D. f!ankins, Sr. chose a dress for the impressive ceremony. · of green lace with matching ac– WMte lighW(l tapers marked the cessories. Her corsage was of ·· . n. \ white daisies. (.Sle of the bridal proces _~ 0 Music was provided by tape - Miss Susan Hankins, sister of _ recording of the Harding A Cap. the bride, was m~lck>f-honor• p~Ua Chorus which included, Bridesmaids were l\Jiss Marsha "Reverie", ''Because", "Oh Murphy ofSpring1ield, Missouri, Promise Me," "I Pledge ~ M1·ss Carolyn Medea.-is ofWichi- · Love", "I Love You Truly", ,ta, Kansas a~d Miss ~nnie Plun- ''Father• Hear the PrayerWe Of- ket of Sheffield, Ala~a. Their fer", and the traditional wedding t dresses, which wer~ gifts of the marches. I bride, were identical noor length I.mmediately roliowiilg ---uie'I jprincess scyle gownsofturquoise ce~mony, . the bride's parents I serano, fashioned with wide bows were hOsts at a reception in the and long streamers of self ma- Fellowship Room of the church terial which fell from f:be neck- building. line in the back. Their hea~ Mrl J - _-Pryor was in l pieces of,matcliing double tiered ·of°: reception. Others net were shoulder length andwere c~- in sermw wen Mrs. held in place by serai,o rosettes. asaia-. Mrs James Bed- Each carri!d a colonial bouqueJ Lesll-;:ur~b'arl• ·Walker,Mrs. of white daisies. rick..._~:............ and Mrs. N. R. Jere Woodward · of Jefferson Pat -.uutm,1auwu, -..;;~...,..,...-=---=----- - - Wheeler. ' City, Missouri, served as best 1 ...., - man. Groomsmen "ere David CITIZEN, Friday, Juna 27, 1969 Berryhill, brother of the bride- ;~~=:.:.:.~-...:..;.-~--:--- groom, Glen Blue of Searcy, and 1 David Elliott of Nashville. ' Mrs. Hugh Wiley of Columbia, iMissouri and Miss DebbieJames kept the bride's book In the church foyer and registered the guests as they arrived. MRS . WALTER GALE Mary Ethel Bales . weds .Walter ·Gale ' bouquets of daisies and ivy. Tom ·Miss Mary Ethel Bales became Gale, .of' Albany, New York serv- the ·bride of Walter Gale in a ·ed his .~r_other as best man. · candlelight ceremony, Satur~ay, Groomsmen wereDaviq~nd~ark June 28, at. 4:30 p.m. in the-·Col- l3ales, brothers of the bride,· and lege Church of Christ building. Randall Brannon, cousin of the Parents of the couple are Dr· bride. . ; and Mrs. James D. Bales 'of Mrs. Anna Sue Yor.t.._kept the Searcy and Mrs. Mary Gale of ! bride's book and registered the So\lthhemton, New York. The ~ou- guests. . 1 ble-ring ceremony was .per- For her daughter's weddmg, I , formed by Dr. Clifton Ganus of Mrs. Bales chose a pink knit Searcy. dress with three-quarter length The vows were exchanged be- sle·eve~- and wore white ac~es– tween two white Roman col~s sories. topped with white caµdles. White Mrs. Gale, mother of ~e daisies and ivy were intertwined groom wore a sleeveless pa1s– between the candles and casc~ded ley dr;ss with white accessor-i~_s down the columns. A large stan d Both mothers wore white gla– of palm fronds formed th e back- melia corsages. ground for the ceremony~ . ~- · Music was provided by a tape The bride, escorted th~ altar recording of the Harding A Cap. and given ·in marriage by ,her pella Chorus. father, was _lovely in an empire Immediately followi9k the scyled gown designedwith a r_oupd ceremony a reception was held nec;kline and bell · sl'eevel$ in the Fellowship Room of the ,~..,Aw~-.imrl'll'llt"U~, ats w•nh ...........__.___ church building. de~l 1 .· . Holly Brannon, cousin of the Her fingertip illusion veil . fell bride cut and served the love- from a cap of satin petals. ~he -u, ~ee-tiered cake. Mrs. Kathy carried a bouquet of white dais- Gale, sister-in-law of the groom ies. , . served pun~h to the guests. Mrs. Barbara Gibson, si~ter O . Mrs. Joseph Pryor was in the bride, was matron-of-hons,r. charge of the reception. Others Bridesmaids were Miss ,Judy assisting were Mrs. James Evans of Dallas, Texas, Miss Jo· Mills, Mrs. j 08 Hacker, Mrs. Hughes of Searcy, and Mrs. Lin~ M. E. Berryhill, Mrs. Neil Cope Stanley of Irving, Texas. Th~y and Mrs. Lee Watts. wore ide~tical ~?Or-le_ngth For travel the bride chose a dresses of spr~·gt!!nand.,.~ere sleeveless tailored dress of de~igned ,:fn a short sleev~d-·ver- green and wore bone accessories. ~ion of th; bride;~ gown. ·Their She wore a corsage .of daif ies. headpieces were clusters of i-:ollowing a wedding~ trip to green daisies. Miss Robb) Bales, Louisia_na, the couple will be at !sister of the bride · and junior, home m Holbr?Ok• New Yo~k, ,bridesmaid, wore .a floor length where both will be teachmg Jdress of daisy • patterned voile school in the fall. ____,_~~ over green. She wore a headband ~ · 969 of white daisies. All carried \CITIZEN, W"!'-, July 16, 1