Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1955-1980

· ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED - Mr. and Mrs. Murrey W. Wilson announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to Bill J. Baker, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Baker of Clarendon. Bath Miss Wilson and Mr. Baker are students in Harding College where sh,e is a senior, maicring i'n elementary e-ducaticn, and he is majoring in Bible and Math. The wedding will be June 3. ENGAGEMENT TOLD - Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hardin of Malvern announce the engagement of their daughter, Joann, to Robert H. Cape, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Cope of Searcy. The bride-elect, a graduate of Henderson State Tuchet's Col– lege, is presently employed as Commercial teacher in the '. Mountainburg School system. The bridegroom-elect, a grad- 1 uate cf Arkansas State College, is cwrently the agricultural I teacher et Alma. A June wedding ii' pl~ ilt the Second ~ 1 Baptist Church ~ Malvern. f (( f.i .) Mar$hall· Kee.ble, EvanQellSt, Di'eS ''I often say I would rather have friends than money– not all, Negro congregations provided my friends h a v e in the South. · money." (Continued From Page One) A PURVEYOR of homespun homilies, Keeble avoided emo– tionalism. He once explained: "There is logic in my posi– tion. If we forget all about salvation and the hereafter– which we don't intend to do– if we forget all about that and just live as Jesus taught 'for the sake of our time here on earth just think how much better off we'll be. "I tell you, you have noth– ing to lose." Keeble said his approach was good-and that people did not wake up the next morn– ing to regret their decision for Christ. "WHEN I CONVERT some- body, they stay converted," I he said. Keeble served for 25 years I as president of the Nashville 1 Christian Institute in north- west Nashville, a Church of Christ related school w i t h about 4,000 alumni. Keeble was .aided financial– ly throughout much of evangelistic career by late. A. M. Burton, pr emeritus of Life & Caa Insurance. Keeble once describ relationship with Burton way: · Keeble delivered his first sermon at the-age of 18 at the Jackson Street Church of Christ in Nashville and re– mained a member of that con:. gregation throughout his life·•., In his long career, he ac– cumulated many h o n o r s. Among them: • He was named in 1965 by . Gov. Frank Clement as the first Negro colonel on t h e governor's staff. • He received a teleiram in 1966 from President Johnson on his birthday. • Although his formal educa– tion ended in the seventh grade, Keeble received an . honorary doctor of laws de– gree from Harding College. · "TOGETHER. WE do Ua Lord's work. We're sort O.lai,!!!'!1111.'1 double-play ·combination I the Lord. I don't mind tr ing to deliver the Word, Brother Burton doesn't paying the fare.