Omega Lambda Chi, 2002-03

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Lambda Chi busywriting e notes to one another.

2002-2003 President - Leah Eddy V-President - Christy Holloway Secretary - Melanie Grady Treasurer - Jessica Troyer Activities - RebeccaBayham Lindsey Leupold Devo Directors -Amber Larson Nichole Perez Service Projects - SaraLangley LeighAnne Seymore Athletics Dir. - Rheanna York Historian - Jenny Aven Amanda Brown SpringSing - Sallie Powers Rachel Turek

Service Highway Erin, Melanie, Leah, Leigh Anne and Emily prepare food and drinks for the kids at Highway.


Horseback Riding Function Brandon and Brian, our wonderful cooks.


Tim, Amanda, and Leah play the"Huh" game.

Shannon shows Kassie the club scrapbooks.



Lambda Chi members pledges.

Camera Scavenger Hunt

If at first you don't suceed ... Two heads are better than

APPRECIATION 2003 Pledge class

Omega Lambda Chi 2002-2003

Lighting the Capitol

Watch out for Sponsor Kathy!

Leah goofing around at the end of a long morning. .. Leigh Anne and Christy

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We made Easter baskets th residents of ByrdHaven.

C-TEAM - Leah, Nicole, Ashley, Amber, Sallie, Kristin,and Emily D-TEAM - Kassie, Shannon, Amanda, I Mandy, and Suzi B-TEAM - Nicole, Amber, Betsy, Amy, Rachel, Ally,Rheanna