Kappa Gamma Epsilon 1998

" APassion for Purple S HAD E S 0 F GR"EE N Clhl!. worrun of 9{appa. gamma Ep~£fon ~oalat ctu{, ao,J.£al1y £nvitl!. you to io£n thun fo't a 'teaept£on. [If you IZhoo!J.1!. to alZal!.~t th£!J. J;w, plea!J.1!. !J.£gn£fy J;y rrudLng u!J. at thl!. ganu!J. !BuddLng 201 .:Su.nday, c[)atoJ;E.'t 4, 199 8 at 2:30 p.m. ,