Kappa Delta 1969-73

·' 'Outstanding Athletes o mertca' selects 21 I-I.C. students for 1973 By Evelyn Jones the Bison basketball team, led transfer, joined the bowlers and Harding's athletes wffl num-ber the team in scoring this year with played a vital role in the banner 21 , 14 men and 7 women, in the 421 points, an average of 17.6 a year. A native of Parkerburg, 1973 volume of Outstanding game. From Valdosta, Ga., he West Va., Kress finished fifth in CGllege Athletes of America, was chosen for Honorable national champion with a according to Intercollegiate mention All-AIC. average of 191. Athletie Director Hugh Groover. Freddie Dixon, junior center, Tim Geary, a senior distant Atllletic directors and coaches scored 408 points for the season. specialist, captained the '72 track from individual colleges and He also ranked in the top six in and cross country unit. Last universities across the nation AIC rebounding with a 10.4 spring the Merced, Cal., runner nominated the winning athletes average per game. The Mineral swept first in the mile and 880on the basis of their abilities not Springs product recorded the yard event in AIC. He finished only in athletics but in com- school's highest rebound mark in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th in tb.e munity services and campus a single game during the '73 AIC cross country for four years. activities. season with 24. Named all con- David Cunningham came to Bisons honored include Edd ference and all district . Harding as a sophomere. Most Eason, senior biology major Honorable Mention. outstanding in the backstroke he from Ft. Worth, Tex. Eason was Joe Mathias, a four year let- was broken and rebroken 20 an NAIA All-American second- terman in both basketball and school records on the swim team. team tackle in football. In '72 he baseball, earned all American th h ' Wh A This is the first year at was listed in W o s o mong status as a sophomore pitcher. women athletes have been inAmerican Colleges and He has compiled a three year Universities, and has earned four total record of lS-6 and has batted eluded. The Harding women are b lll d t ted Becky Acker, Marsha Griffith, foot a etters an s ar every '9 respectable 2.54 as a part time d f h' II · te Beverly Jo Pryor, Cin y game o Is co eg.a cweer. out during his ·first three years. man. Louise Pace, Sherry Snake Dixon, NAIA All- As a basketball started the Kirk- Shi and Karen Knop 1 t. American honorable mention wood, Mo., native scored 837 1~===========~ tailback, led the AIC in rushing, points in his four-year career. scoring and total offense this Joe Mathias, a four year letyear. terman in both basketball and Tom Ed Gooden, triple threat baseball, earned all American quarterback is the junior who sUitus as a sophomore pitcher. directed the Bisons to their first He has compiled a three year AIC championship and sixth total record of lf>~ and has batted place in the National NAIA a respectable 2.54 as a part time ranking. out duri[)g his first three years. A sophomore, Barney As a basketball starter the KirkCrawford earned his second wood, Mo., native Scbred 837 letter last fall on the Harding points in his four-year career. defensive line. He was honored as Marvin Francisco, mound ace, the "Outstanding Defensive earned all American honorable Player" in the '72 Cowboy Bowl. mention as a freshman when he Cowboy Bowl. compiled a 5-1 record. He then Bubba Hopkins, a freshman transferred to. Iowa Junior letter winner from Fitgerald, College. Upon returning to Ga., quarterbacked the Bison Harding he led the pitching defense. He was selected for the average with· a 7-4 record All-AIC and All-NAIA district, receiving all-conference and _all– and was chosen by his team- district both years. mates to serve as a captain for Senior bowler, David Hudson the '73 team. led Harding's bowling team to Harry Starnes, a McGehee the NAIA championship in the native, was an unanimious choice last three years, recording a 210 for all-conference and all-district average in the national meellast team after leadin.IL( the AIC in year. Hudson was the '72 passes. He finished with a career champion in 17 singles ·and a co– total or 91 receptions for 1,121 owner of the '71 NAIA doubles yards and eig!lt toueh downs. . trophy. Tim Vick. sophomore guard on r.. ~ Keith Kress, Ohio Valley