Alpha Chi inducts 28 in candelight ritual By Deb Betts The Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi, a national honor scholarship society, inducted 28 new members at Wednesday's ceremonies. Membetship for the society is limited to the top ten per cent of the junior and senior classes. It requires a junior to have a cumulative average of 3.70 on at least 80 hours and a senior must have a cumulative average of 3.50 on 104 hours. The object of Alpha Chi is to promote high scholarship and those elements of character that help make scholarship effective for good. Dr. Joe Pryor, secretary– treasurer of the National Council of Alpha Chi, welcomed the new members into the society. These include Leonard Aneta, Vll'gi.l Barnard, Bobby Beasley Jan Brewer, Mary Broom, Kathy Burton, Roger Castle, ~_tm_ Clark~ Ron Coleman, Barbara 1.'5Uilcan and Steve Eckman. Also inducted were Paul Farrar, Linda Franklin, Doug Heimburger, Jack Holt, Virginia Johnson, Joe Jones, Marceline Lasater and Gail Lumpkin. Janice McJunkins, Joe Marrs, Beverly Martin, Patty Schiro, Emmett Smith and Donna Stanfill also lit Alploa Chi can– dles. Graduates who made the grades last spring are David Jackson, Sally Keller, Melita Kastner and Gwen Pedigo. Alpha Chi inducts 26 scholars, Kappa Pi takes in six artists By Jeanne Preslar initial letters of the Greek words A total of 26 students were meaning t~th an~ character. · d ted · to Alpha Chi the The soc1ety mcludes 119 m t~c al ~onor scholarship universities and colleges. Dr. Joe na .lon b 7 wbile six others Pryor is the Secretary~Treasurer sOCiety_. ~~~ ' into Kappa Pi, of the National Counc1l. . werer ~ or ani.zation on Feb. 2. It iS a general bonor society ho~e AlpJ Chi initiation 'took admittiJ?g students from all place in the American Heritage aca~effilc areas. b~e Center with Dr. John Carr reqwrements for mem . ~~ spe~g The inductees were: are a 3.70 on 80 hoursf of .~~ttOfo C · All Nancy L 3 50 on 104 hours o crll\JJ . - Ho~y a~: ~clnks K~y ricers are Tom Estes, president, =· T:omC:: Barry ' Nona Ron Stough, vice pres1dent and Beason. Mary Lynn Fort~nberry, McKay .shields, secretary. Pi · L" Hall L·....ila The mductees to .Kappa Keith G~t, taJ)e • R''be'"" t . Mark Fitzaerald Hilda Ha es Linda Becker o r were. ~ ' ella y I Jd Anna LaVan Arnie Anderson, cec . g~d~~:,G~ N~t!,'David Osbir~ , Mary Gosney and L Johnson Ken Kendall-Ball, LaJuana ~s~. . tional Aiice Newberry, James P. f ~P~ P~::'os:O g~are to Parker, .Barbara Po:e:~· ~~:J.fellowship and promote· Stephen r:~:"· Pa~ Veneble: aeademic achievement as weD; as ~n ~ Wil~on and Charles c. art exc~Uenc~. The Bardtng W m chapter 1s Eps1lon Iota. ~~enpurposeof the organization There are 16 members a~~ th; is to romote academic ex- officers are J?ee Bos~ pres1 e_n • cellenc~ and exemplary Don Blake, vtce pres1de~\!li~0 character among c<>llege and Newhe~ , ~ecretary an w university students and to honor Carr' bJ~torlanh. TMahe s~~rsS~~ those achieving such distinction. Mrs. Elizabet so Its name iS derived from the Green. Dean's List p~enomenal; 326 nam:ea·- 'lbe 326-name Dean's List and Aly, Bob Argo, Timothy Ashley, La~lle, Na~cy ~vender,. J~l the names of all students Paul Atkins, Bruce Augsburger, Lewis, Curtis Lmge, . Christme achieving a 4.0 grade point Laura Ayers, Genevieve Bailey. Long. average for the fall semester Ka;v Bao.ta... Nona Beason, .Julie Long, Gail Lumpkin, were released this Saturday by David Bell, Peggy Bennett, Linda McClurg, Randall McCord, Vice President Joe Pryor. Cindy Betts Richard Betts, Brandt Mc~orkle, R:uth The 52 students with 4 points Ernestine Bibee, John Bibee, McHaney, Jaz:nce McJunkms, are as follows: Holly Allen, Charlotte Biggs, Allen Black, Barbara McKinney, Tom Me– Stephen Baber, Wendy Baddeley, Star Black, Leslie Bonner, Steve Lure, Danny Maddox, Gloria Emily Bahler, Rebecca Banks, Bowers, Steve Bowie, Edward Maddox, Robert Mahafft;Y , Del5orah Baten, Nelda Batten, Bray. Kathy Malon~, An~ony Martin, Janice Baur Jan Brewer William Brewer Rhonda Pamela Martin, JWcl;la.el Masou. Houston Bynwit. ' Bridges, Don Brimberry, O'Neal Masters, Edna Maxey, David Campbell, Glenora Timothy Bruner, Deporah Charles Maxw~ll. SandJ:a Cook, Jamie Cowley, Calvin Bruning, John Brunner, Robin Melson, Stuart Mitchell, Dav1d Crim, Carol Dillard, Steven Eck- Brunner, Brenda Bryant, King MooD; Te:resa Mooneyham, ~ man, .Barbara Franklin, Keith Buchanan, Carol Bucy, Suzanne Moore, V1ct_or Moran, ~athe.n:ne Gant, Carl Guthrie, Lynda Burcham, Jeffrey Burton, Morrow, M1cbael Murr1e, Anita Hayes, Sarah trays, Bernetta Robert Bush, William Gannon. Nance, Donn~ Norwood, Karen Holder, Jack Holt, Anna Hud· Tanya Cantrell, Linda Carder, Olr~e, Cynthia 0 Neal, Cecilia dleston. Donna Case-, Roger Castle, .Osbll'n. Sandra Kurre1meyer, Brenda Dennis Celsor , Patricia Ann Pace, Carol Palm~r Lott, Nelda McMennamy Christensen, Terry Christlieb, Jam~s lV, Nadme Valerie Markley, Joe Marrs, Connie Clark, Marl Etta Clark, Parnsh, DaVId P~tJ:ick, Kay Beverly Martin Carisse Mickey Deborah Clay Marilee Coker Patton, Stephen Phillips, Janet Kenneth Neller, Cathy Ron Colemar{. Annette Cone: Pierce, Phyllis Pigg, Pamela Newberry, Danny Newsom, John Tom Cook, Joe Corum. Plunk, Deborah Powell, ar ra. Nunnally, Richard Paine, Donna Carol Cross, Mary Curtis, Powers. Gayle Pr~cott, ue Perkey , John Petty, Sherry! Connie Dabbs, Dan Daniel, Pr~scott, Steve Prestidge, Janet Randall. Daniel Davidson, Deborah Prmce. Doug ShieldS, McKay Shields, Deidiker, Randy Denham, Paul Pucke~t, Barbara Pyle, John Simmons, Janet Smith, Martha Denham, Pamela Larry Pyle, Linda .Pyle, Sharon James Stough, Swaid SWaid, Dethrow, David Dockery, Reeder, Max Reibol~~ Mary Richard Sztanyo Radford Brenda Dyer Mary Easterling Reynolds , James R1ckaway, Tanksley, Pam veitable, Ruth Greg Elliott. ' ' Sherilyn Rigdon, Car~l R,oberts, West, Karen Williams, Johnny Steven Elliott, Susan Ellis, Bill Robertson, Conme Rj)elller, Wilson and Steven Younger. Mary Evans, Sherry Farmer, Lary. Sanderson, Nancy The grade point necessary to Paul Farrar Laurie Fincher SchreJber, Sarah Sears. make the Dean's List is 3.25 for Ted Fish Fornea, Macy Kenneth Sewell, Rosemarie freshmen and 3.6 for up· Fortenberry, Charles Fowler, Shearin, David Shephe~d, perclassmen. These averages William Fowler, Virginia K~thleen Sheppard, Sh~t!a must be attained on at least a 12 Francisco, Carthel Fuller Jr., Shives, Donald S~ores, .Phil1p hour schedule with no incomplete Franklin Gable, Jerry, S~unk, Stephen ~ikes, Richard or below-C grades. • . Je~ Galloway. ~mon, Doro~y Srm~n, JaneU The students recelvmg this Charles Ganus, Linda Garner, Sinn, Gra~t Stsson, Tom S~ellett, honor are Becky Acker, Kathleen Sandra Gifford, Mary Gosney, Ryan Smith, D~borah Srruth.. Adams, Lydene Aldrich, Leonard Betty Green, James Greene, Janabeth Smtth, Ro~n Srruth, Allen, John Alston. Jr., Janet Glenn Greenville, Liane Hall, Deborah .Sn.o:ok, ~aVld Stagg's, Wayne Hall, Jr., Linda Donn~ Staniill, Joyc~ Stanley, Halteman, Micliael Hanks Joan Bonme ~tanton, Anrue. Stuart, Harmon, Alan Harris, bebra Susan, Carla :Stig~. . Harris Marilyn Barris Mickie Sharon Stite~, DaVId Sullins, . • ' Teresa Sutherlin, Mark Swartz, ...I.AI!D~aw.vil:Lid Hatfield, Doris Healy, Dennis SWayne, Richard Taylor, Linda Hecker, Doug Heim- Jr.~ Alan Teffe~~tiller, Stephen burger, Campbell Henderson, Tellep, Crystal Thomas, Diane Elizabeth Higgs, Carol Hinds, Thomas, Philip Thompson , Mary Jo Hinerman, Ronald Hix, Denise Tippins. Sharon Holderby, Karen Holland, Martha Townsend Brenda Randa Holloway , MarilY-n Trotter, Ann Ulrey, Daniel Horsman, David D. House, David Umphress, Tina Underwood , w. House, Alton Howard. Jams Taylor, Susan Vance, Byron Howell, Paul Hudson, Thomas Wadsworth, Richard Carol Huey, Arlene Hughes, Walker, Pamela Warfield, Barry Gary Hunter, Joan Inman, Watkins, Debra Webster, Denise Jeffrey Jackson, Beth James, Webster. Phil Jameson, David Johnson, Molly Weddle, Larry Welborn, Patricia Johnson, Virginia Michael Westerfield, ·Rebecca Johnson, Melba Johnson, Westerman, Frank Wheeler, Beverly Jones, James D. Jones, Larry Wheeler, Pamela James o. Jones. Williams, Patricia Williams, Windle Kee, Ken Kendall-Ball 1 Rosemary Williams, Susan ~hn T. Kennington, Kathryn Wilson, Paula Woods, Miriam Kidd, Rebecca King, Paul Kitz- Word, Charles Wrenn, Janine miller, Steven Klemm, Linda Young and Robert Younger.