On September 17, Galaxy and Ju Go Ju sponsored their 2nd annual 3~nana Split Sale. T~e party this year was a little more upbeat than last year. There was · still the good times and the good food for just $1.GO, but tunes were provided by such groups as the Doobie Brothers, the Commodores, and others. People were able to enjoy their splits and the fellowship and made the evening a success for us. The profits from the Banana Split Sale went to purchase a lectern for the Benson Auditorium. One particular incident did put a damper on the festivities. One person tried to force another person to eat some whipped cream. This turned into quite a scene and chaos ran rampant for a short period until the fearless H.F.D broke it up. Shown here ~. Galaxy and Ju Go Ju mem– bers set up for the onslaught of people 2. Three "cu tie pies'', Sarah King, Stephanie Jonest and DiAnn Schumate figure out the gameplan for taking of orders 3. Tammi Lawyer directs customers as Brad Jackson give~~- 4~ Kay ;·Jilson, Tami Lawyer, /\.nd Robin Atkins discuss projected sales 5. The smile on Nancy Lloyd's face indicate a good turnout.