Galaxy 1973-80

1. Cel– este and Kevin ap– pear anxious as they cook. Ric~ Reynolds look on as Tee Carr si– lently pr.ys. J. Are you mupposed te eat those?-– Chris, Deann, and Jessica 4. E.C. chops firewood for the fire. 5. "I'm still not convinced Barry, Julie, and Laurie. On a cold October saturday morning, cars break the dark silence at Wyldewood's old gym. At first, there are only one or two, but before long, there are about 20 of thema about 40 college students are present for the annual ritual, that being, the Galaxy/Ju Go Ju pancake breakfast. All stand huddled around a _ ., nurtured blaze of fire ae the dirt-laden griddle is cleaned. New members wonder silently if they actually use this to cook on and hang back to make sure that they don't get any of the first pancakes. As . people wake up, the noise gets louder and the morning activity is upon them. Why do they conti– nue to do this year after year? I honestly don't " \