'Banana·$piits' to helpfinance· newauditorium "The Great Banana Split Sale," sponsored by the Galaxy and Ju.ffi>Jusocial clubis and the Student Association;' is U. tlie Student Center ·toliigbt from 7 p.m.-12 a.m. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Benson Auditorium fund, according to David Pitts, chairman of the project. The Banana splits will sell fo.r one dollar each. The project will be similar to a coffee house with club members producing the banana splits in assembly line fashion, said Pitts. Featured during the party will be Dr. Jack Ryan playing ragtime at the piano and the movie, "Who's On First." "This is one or the biggest student projects in years and both Galaxy and Ju Go Ju have put in a lot of time toward the ijnal product," saidPitts. During the five hours of thesalethe clubs hope to produce 1,000 banana splits. 'lbe ice cream is bt$g furnished byYarnell's inSearcy. On Friday. Seirt"-~:.;11::· 1978, Galaxy and Ju Go Ju pres ented ''The Great Banana Split Sale~ in the Student Center from 7 to 12 midnight. Banana s plits sold for a dollar each. After purchasing your split you could sit down and eat in a decor ated room fr0m the '40's complete with ragtime piano and music by Glenn Miller. Cartoons were shown in the TV area of the student center. It was an evening full of surprises including receiving frozen whip cream requiring 4 days to thaw with five minutes till the opening. The ice cream was too hard to scoop at first; we ran out of toppings, nuts, and whi p cream ; and fina lly the lights went out due to a mal – function in the computer sys tem. Nevertheless it was a great success with a good shgw.i pg for Galaxy and Ju Go Ju. ...,.,.,. · ·- ·· Banana Splits Joan Gregg <left) and Lori Faulkner belp serve banana splits at the "Great Banana Split Sale" in the Student C.enter Friday night. The s·aJe was c~sponsored by the SA and the Gala~-JuGo Jia social clubs. More than 900 -nana spUts were sold and &be project profited$400 for the Benson Auditorium. c~~ampusologjl Today "'Ute Great Ba!WUl Split Sale," sponsored by the Galaxy-Ju Go Ju social clubsand tbeS.A., in tbeStudent Center,7-12 p.m. S.A. movie, "Second Time Around", 9 p,m. White County Fair, fAinlrnuntk