Galaxy 1965-73

:viiss Simpso n, Lambe rt Announce Engagement Mr. :n1cl: M1·e;. Virgil Simpson. ~ansC:·ra, Kan.) announce t ho en ~ :sagr;n; ent all d! a~_pproaching rcat·ri age c; f ~h~ir ~au.ghtt01', .Jane .Eay to '\{tm!d cl. Lambert, son of Mr 1.nd !Vll'·s. Dn .. 1ce Lambe1·1;, o£ Wick- · !ifi'(JI I~y. t.. 1iss Sirr1pson me-nca·r:l ~ducation major, is a me1nbcr of OEGE ~ocial du.b anc' SN'!EA. MJ·. Lambert, a junior business 1ccountiug majcH', i;; a member Dt th.~, Harding ha.S(~ball: te.ilm :md Galaxy svdal clUb. Th e '1~:-edd;ing \viU hE:' J·u nG 2 a the. Go.IIcge Chu;·ch of Chl·ist. Bradsher, Fairley Se-t Early Augus t Ce re mon y Doyle Bradsher of Rector a n– nounces the engagemen t andJ ap– proaching m arriage of his daugh– ter , BilliB Jean,. to ArthUJ· Doug– las F airley, son· of Mr. ?.ll<ll Paul Fai!'l ey of Osce.ola. An earh' Angus~ planned, . ·- Miss Bmdsher, a sen ior ele– mentary education major,. is a member of Gata social club, Fairley is a senior history maj(n· and " membet· of Gcdaxy soc.\al clu b. anuary Wedding Date Set by Boilla-Herndon. of Memphis, Tenn., an– nounce the approaching marriage of their daughter,, Shirley Ann, Ronald Gen e Boilla. son Ramie Boilla of Miss Herndon is a sophomore English major and is a member of Regina social club and SNEA. Boilla is a sophomore m a joring in psychology. He is a member of Galaxy social club, Pi Kappa Delta and participates in inter– collegiate debate. The bride's father is to marry the couple on Sunday, J an. 23, 1966, at 2 :30 p.m. The ceremony will take place at the Floyd Ave– nue Church of Christ in Mem-