Galaxy 1965-73

-.. Social Clubs S~lect Qu~ens, Bea~x for the Year Good cook, willing coach? If River. 0. Majoring in socis..l \Las Companeras. He is from New- Club, P..Jrican Club, Bison Boos- 1 so~ take heed you may be ju~t science, she is a member of Ju port and is a member of A Cap-. teN and TNT social club. the person some Harding social Go Ju social club. pella Chorus, Belles and Beau.:~. Bill Moss, a jU.DJor from Boll– club is looking Cor. Queens and Sue V·lilson is the queen of and Chi Sig'ma Alpha social club. var, Tenn..., is the beau of Phi and Beaux are an important part TN"T. She is a physical! education His ::najor is business admini- Delta. He is a physical educar.icn of soch.l club life. Besides cook- major from Lubbock, Tex., and stration, major and is a member of ~ht ing and coaching they are the is a member of PEMM Club. Tb.e boeu of MEA ;. SoUD;y tntorcolleglate football -team. He~ honored guests at many club SNEA and MEA social club. . Guild. o. &enior Bible major from 15 a =mbor of A C..ppella !unctions and receive :nany small Linda Byrd, a junior !rom Veruon, Tex. He is a memhot: of Chor:us. Circle X, PEMM and– tokens of appreciation throughout LitUe Rock, is the queen ol Sigma A Cappella Ch<>ni4, 'llmothy Mobican soda! club. I the year. Tau Sigma, A social science lr,;;;:::::-:=:-::::=:::=::;:::;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;::::==== l Galaxy'• "-""' club guun Is major, she is the secretary of the seniOf.Liiidi Wlllla.m.s from SA and is a member of SNEA Cluve!iiUL 0. Slie IS 1U1 e!emen• and Regina social club. eduea.tion mafor nd is A senior from Tiptonville, member of SNEA Bl5pn Bs)Mi;cr.o,. T~nn Paula Peacock is the andZetA Phi Zeta soei.o.l club. quee~ of Sub-T 16. Majoring in Carol Bonnell, May Queen of math, sht:: is a member of the SA 1965, is the queen oC Chi Sigma Cabinet, Interclub C'ouncii and A!pha. Carol is a senior from Ju Go Ju social club. • Doniphan, !o-lio., majoring in home Frater Sadalis and Alpha economics, She is a member of Epsilon Chi have yet to elect SNEA and :MEA social club, their club queens. Jo Ann Kelley is returrJng as Sophomore Ke.n Starr is the the queen of Delta Iota. A psy- be~ ~(Delta' Chi ·omega. Major- ~;:~ov~:~;!~~~. ~:~o~hes~e~: ~!m i~-~~:~o~~~~·H;~Ls i: secretary of Chorale :J.nd a member of Kappa Delta social dub. r:lember of Lambda Sigma Social Club ·and is the sophomore SA Springfield, Mo~, is the home of Beta Phi Kappa'S! queen, Marilyn Cobb, She is s senior and a member of A Cappella. Chorus, Belles and Beaux, Interclub Council and Zeta Rho sicial club. Junior Carol Prucha is Lambdo. Sigma's new queen. A member of Colhecon, Bison Boosters:, In– terclu Council and Ko Jo Kai socia~ club, she is from McAlester, Okla. Business education m a j or Linda Robinson is the queen of Koinonia. She i:; from Manila and is a member of WHC social club. Cheerleader Sherry Baltr..rop is Lhe new queen of Mohica.n. She is an E.ngslish major from Fort "'North, Tex. and is a member of Campus Players and Ko Jo Kai social club, Pioneer's queen is Smith, a senior from Sandie Rocky ;epresentntive. Jim Anderson, senior SA rep– resentative, is the beau of Seta Tau Gamma. He is a Bible major from Watertown, S. Dak,. and is a member of Beta Phi Kappa social club. Gata~s beaus is Davis Smith. a junior [rom AshdO\vn. He is a chemistry major, is the: junior SA representative and is a mem– O,r of the Science Club, Band and Beat Phi Kappa social club. William Tuckel.", a senior from Tuscaloosa, Ala., is the beau of Ju Go Ju, His major is business adm.inistraticn ar_d he is a mem– ber oi Sub-T-16 social club. Tb.e beau of Kappa Phi is Tom Blucker. a. senior from Little Rock. He is a member of Circle K, ..A..meican Collegiate Players. and TNT social club. His major is general: science. Phil Dixon is the new beeu of ( -·······-·-··-·--· " .. . - --- -- ~: ~ominees for Petit Jean, May Queen- ~~ ~ 0 BeB;~::~~ted inP~h~~=l J~::n· ~~' ~~c• Amid soft lights, reflective Karnes. i\·IEA: Niollie LaFevor, Tri -nusic. and a mood of expec~ance, Kappa. the nominees for Petit ,Jean Edene Laney, Zeta Rho; ~ueE-n and May Queen \Y'iH be Su:z.anne Learned, Tofebt; Tana present.o!d to the student bodv in McDonald. lNHC; Da!e P~,ilbrick, 5eparate chapel progr3~s. - Ko Jo Kai; Sandy Rolen, Phi The Petit Jean nominees, Delta; 3us:J.n Setliff, Delta Chi up of the men's social club Omega: Linda Spears, Zeta Phi queens, will he r:;resented Thurs- Zeta: Caroie Strickler, Theta P~i; :lay, Dc·c~ 9, while the May Quetn lind M::u·i!yn V.;.~.ughn, Omega Phi. nominees, rep1·esentatives of the : women's social dubs, \viil be pre- :;en~ed Monday, De<..:, 13. Petit Jean Nominees !!'he nominees for ;:he title of Petit Jean Queen are K.:ty Bon– net!. AEX: Ann Hedrick.. APK; Marilyn Cobb, Beta Phi Kappa; Carol Bonnell,. Chi Sigma Alpha; and· Jo A~n Kelly, Delta Iota.. "\Joan Ritchie, Frater Sod.alis; Mtm'..~~~ISIJIII"" Linda Williams, GalJL~y; T3....1'l.a 1 ~ ~.1cDonald, Kappa Sigma; Linda •Robinson, 'Koinonia; Carol Prucha, Lambda Sigma; Sheny Balthrop, Mohican; Sandi Smith, PioneEr: Linda Byrd, Sigma Tau Sigma, Paula Peacock, Sub-T-16; Sue \Vilson, Thl: and Billie Bronson, 1 1'.-\.G, f tThe queen anC. her court will 1 be presented on Pe-tit Jean d.3.v Iwhen ali students will receiv~ I their J.966 yearbook. . May Queen Nominees The May Quee!l nominees are Margaret Arnold. Beta T a u Gamma: Linda Benson, Oege; Barbara Cooper, Kappa Delta: Tommie Courtney, GATA: Peggy Grandi. Regina; Francene Goss, Ju Go -:Tu; Delores Handley. Kappa