Galaxy 1965-73

Three Share Top Bowling Rung By Larry Ymcho Koinonia be!tecr season -long ~_s:nd~J1.8LL:lli~_§i_Q!1~laxy. As club bowling finished its leade r Independents 1 for three Su b-T w ill be pitted a gain st fi fth week of act ion last Satur- victories out of four t o improve Koinouia, Lambdas will fa ce TAG, day, it took an unusual position th eir r ecord and t o kn ock the BPK goes against Pioneer, and ,,·ith three team ]ma tted at the freem en out of undisputed• firs t. DI and Independent s• 2 will colConsistent scoring. by Barry lid.e. ~~~;-2~=#-~~W~~~:.I Erskine - 460, Bill Gran t - 489 an d John Tuck er - 467, gave Koinonia the victory. Freshman Johnny Beck , whose 179 leads th e leagu e, paced Indepen– dents with a 517. In a con test w ith lower divi– sion clubs, TAG dumped Pi oneer 3-1. AI Kennison's 520 led TAG while Don Hoadley's 448 w as best for the fr on tiersmen. Beta Phi, ricling the scoring int~collegiates Rob Barber Independents Win Bowling Trophies Yurcho, bea t Delt a SY,b.::T---IR<t. ....JJ.IL!:!Jallant .J!£ht 3-1. Bar ber hit 560 and Yur cho bJ!._tJ.:r;J._deJle.~J'!iU~.\!i t hep..,in ..-·.-........., 5:~2. DI won the first game by the final showdown , 2611-2291, on e pin but lost totals by 100. to capture the fall semester club Jim Matheney's 468 was bowling crown. fo1· DI, and Butch Kent a lso Freshman J ohnny Beck pa ced a 501 for BPK. the attack for t h e winners w ith In the final match, Galaxy held a 522 set . He r eceived good sup- '12:Peat Liimbd;[Siltm[ 3-lto port from Jim Brown and m11iJ:1.tain t h eir s.trong position. A •·~:.r-.o"!!'!:at Fauss who h ad 463 and 453 r e5'!1. 9 by Bill Trickey led the star- The freshmen w on by mi¥-~WJ~~~~l!j2:§!ffiyj~[lli2~~~~i 5 games•w ith a 37-11 r ecord. Su.b-T's best effort was- a 468 <l'••J-.....o.-..... by Pat Barker.. The two had ba ttled for several in the position rounds. Other members of the .............,...... pionship squad are Ronnie Reeve and Ted McLaughlin,, The team will bowl the winners of the s-pring semester for the school championship. Final team standings Club Bowling l nThree"WayTie Afh~r SixWeeks The ],not. at the top oi rope still rem ains in club ing, a s all thre teams tied first split 2-2 in Saturdn:-~ petition . th ir d games from. Koin onia t stay i;'l th e kn ot. Koinor.. ia blns ed a 1036 single game thE; sec:on line t o give them a split;, J •J Higgin both am's 524 and vVayn Sh appley's 480 led• the boc~t.merr A 521 by Barry Erskine <:md 517 by John Tucker, a 223, paced Koir,onia. TAG u sed· a 239-628 effcn b Al Kennison t o du mp hapJ,es Lambda Sigma 4-0. He got goo support from Howar d "\V;-ight' 486 .. Ron Barnes' 4·6.7 ,,vas h ig for Lambda. Delta Iota forfeited t o Inci. pendents 2. Drake Lee h ad a 50 the "win n e;rs."