Galaxy 1965-73

Galaxy 1. Richardson 2. Cheatham 3. Blair Brewer, Tres. 34. Miller 35. 4. Crocker 5. Carr, Sponsor 6. Crabtree 36. De. Campbell 37. Gilbert 7. Showalter 8. P. Taylor 9. McKelvey 38. Burkeff 39. Cox 40. S•"""'· 10. Byrd 11. Harris 12. Hart Muncy, Vice-Pres. 41. Searcy 42. 1• Lluborry 1-'. Wholey 1S. TayiOI' AltJCandor 1113, Janel 44. Moore 45. 16. Argo, Sec. 17. Smelser 18. D. L. Williams 46. Bowers 47. McWaffers 19. Hinton, Pres. 20. Hatcher 48. Shackleford, Queen 49. Sullins 21. Ray 22. Hardin 23. BraMan SO. Moon 51. Roberts 52. Parker 24. Morris 25. Ruff 26. Gurganus 53. Adkins 54. McKinney Bristow 27. Beck 28. P. Herrington 55. Bowie 56. Rubio 57. Beffs 58. 29. D. Williams 30. Da. Caqlbell Herrington. 31. Richey 32, Tucker, Sec. 33. Galaxy roadblock raises $400 for retarded chlldten Pledgeweek activities over. Gal joined their sister clnh, Ju C.;) .T 11, in " sunrise breakfast anc1 wc-rs t • Bt!C! ltoek. 5mlng up a l'Oadblock in Searcy for tqe Retarded Children's Fund in November produced more than $400. Galaxy maintained the ir .. aggressive spirit in sports competition. Their spring banquet completed the year's activities: