Galaxy 1965-73

- I ~ ~- • Galaxy, Sigma Tau sweep basketball finals , ~::!", ~\~ 'L GaJa:xy•s Terry MeCormlek pumps a shot l.o the A-team ehamplonshlp game agaiost Sub T. _ _, .. -----...·-··········--------..:_"_.;.:;HOTO 8Y 8RUCil 8AKiiR Sweeping "A", "B" and "C" large club basketball champion– ships Friday ev~g. Galaxy defeated Sub T-16 in each divi– sion. The small club "A" champion– ship went to Sigma Tau Sigma as they dropped ~eta Pbi, 8565. Sig Tau clinched the "C" championship 3J:.31 over Beta Phl as Fred Fmke scored 12 for the winners. The small club ''B" finals will be played this week as Sigma Tau handed Lambdas a 76-40 setback behind the shooting of Tim Geary and Pat McClafferty, forcing the teams into a fe.. match. Galaxy pulled out an overtime victory over Sub T in the "A" game finals with thejr 77-75 win. Brian Smith had 23 1)0j.nts ancl Terry- McComtick had 17 for-tbe · winn=- John Viries ted Sub T J ~~...nt<>iing with 20 and Mirrlt( MUOre added 16. , . ... In the "B" team final· ROn Parker and Steve Tucker: eacll made 17 points W'· the · 79-56 Galaxy .victory.