e ' April 28, 1972 TIIE HARDING BISON, Searcy, Ark. * 7 Lumpkin, Cheshier capture honors in intramural track and field meet Taking first place in six events, Kappa Sjgma kappa easily won the large club divi– sion in last week's Track and Field Day., while the small club competition was dominated by Sigma Tau with eight first place finishers. David Lumpkin, an indepen– dent, was high point man in large dub competition with 13 points , and Ed Cheshier had iG% to lead in the small c!ub division. Large club SC(>res were Kappa Sigma - 48, Mohkans - 28, Independents - 24, Galaxy - A Suf;rT 16 - 2~, Alpha Tau - 15%, Chi Sjg- l2J.h, and T.NT - 2. Small club tallies were Sigma Tau - 50, Beta Phi - 33, Knights - 25, Lamlxias - 2.1, Fraters - 14, Koinonia - 9, Spartans - · 9, Alpha Omega - 7 and T.AG.- .1. The individual winners and team w'inners in each large club event and their time were: Mike Egly - 15.4 in the high hurdles; Jack Barber - 21.2 in the low hurdles; Paul Richey - 5'9~" in the bigil jun:m_; Jerry Evans - ll'6" in the pole vault; and Alec Petwa;y· - 20'9%" in the broad jump. Other first placers were; Dave Cannon - 4:53 in the mile run ; Ken Lawyer - 128'2W' in the discus; Steve Kent- 43'6W' in the shot put: Dale Payne - 147'4' 'in the javelin, and Kappa Sig - 44.7 in the 440 relay (Roger Collins, Tom Ed Coden, Mike Egly, Jack Barber). More large club tracksters were: David Lumpkin - 10..5 in the 100-varc! dash. Larrv Rich– mond ..:._ 2:07 in the SSG-yard run: Sub-T -- I: 36 in the SSO relay (Johnny Baines. Alec Petway, Terry Greenwood, Rock Long ); Tom Ed Gooden - 51.7 in the 410 dash: David Lumpkin - 23.6 in the 220 dash; and Kappa Sig - 3:41 in the mile relay (Larr'l Richmond, Barber. Lester Davidson , Gooden). Small club winners were: Mark Miller - 18.6 in the high hurdles; Mike Kodrich - 23.2 in the low hurdles; Calvin Crim - 5'8liz" in the high jwnp; Howard Gordon - 10' in the pole vault; and Ed Cheshier - W'91A" in the broad jump. Also taking first were: John Ratliff - 4;52 in the mile run; Dorian Flynn - 87'7" in the discus; Dorian Flynn - 35':1" in the shot put; Tom Easterly -U2'9" in the javelin; and Sigma Tau - 49.3 .i.n the 440 relay (Don Blake, Larry Brown, Glenn Baron, John Ratliff). Other Sltlall club winners were: Ed Cheshier - 10.8 in the 100-yard dash; John Ratliff - 2.:09 in the 880-yard run; Sigma Tau -- I :43 in the 880 relay (Blake, Brown, Barron , Ratlilf): Jim Ganus - 54.1 in the 440 dash; Ed Cheshier - 24.1 in the 220 dash; and Sigma Tau - 3:~-!l in the mile relay (Brown , Ratliff, Fred Finke, Cheshier). -