Galaxy 1965-73

GALAXY Bad weather fails to dampen club spirit at Galaxy banquet D(JTllill<lli,,g tl1 c softball cornpclitiml, G<ll<~xy \\(lJl l)()!]J 1h0 A and B lc<Jm ch;unpion sl1ips. "Signs of the TinH:s'' g rcclccl Gal<J:-.: ,Y member::: and their d;!lcs at a .l<llllltll'\. hanqllct lJoslcrl. hy til~: Hamada Tl!n in Cll!Wii_Y. A o.;urldcn ch<lllgc 'in t!Jc \Vr'atlwr prodn c 0d ~l('cl ;11HI icy roads l1ut was not able to nff1•r' l tile ~ uccr's.o.; of the evening. Cl.1th .':crvice pro– jects incl!lrler! selling hrc<td for th e Mard1 of Dimes. A w1oincr roa st <lffr'r nn;gh illili"tion cndcrl A WC('k nf h<WCJSSillf'Jl t for Calaxy pledges. GALAXY. TOP ROW: Roberson (sponsor), B. Allison, M. Allison. Behel, Bench, Bennett, Blasingame, Bowman, Ra. Brewer, R. Brewer. Brown. SECOND ROW: Bullor:l<. Byrd, Carr. Chism, Coates, Coleman, Conley, J. Copeland, R. Copeland. Devaney, Dixon. THIRD ROW: Drum, Dye, Eason, Egle, felker, Franz, Gardner, Goff, Harris, Hedrick, Henderson, Herndon. FOURTH ROW: r"\. ~ Club Queen Stevi~ Green ...- . . ..-~ ~_ ...... ·"" -... '• OFFICERS. Lynn Di xon, Pre>.; Je rry M yhan , V ice- P(e' : Bob Kee, Sec.; Dennie Reeve, Treas.; Dr. Bryce Ro berson, Spon sor. flinton, Huffaker, Hughes, E. Johnson, J. .Johnson, B., D. Kee. Kent, Langford, May, Miller, Muncy. FIFTH ROW : Myhan, Newman, Olsen, Osborn, Palmer, Parker, Pharr, Pinczuk, Pulley, Ral ston, Reeve, Reves. SIXTH ROW: Roberts, Sai11, Shannon, Sills, Smelser, Sm1t11, Tacker, Taylor, Treat. Walker, Whaley, Wheatley.