Galaxy 1947-65

On Feh,...·· ,_ 1951-1952 Ted Diehl Bill Curry President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Scribe John Morris Ken Rhodes Gerald Kendrick Dr. Kern Sears Dot Tulloss Sponsor Club Sweetheart 150 8th. St. N.W.Cleveland, Tennessee mt Every Star•• was held in the large Rendezvous. This was the largest ~ld this year due to the large \e Harding Galaxy. The traditional s put up over the dining hall en– l Christmas party was held in ·s. The club completed its fourby getting their sponsor, Dr. Kern ~ag outings were staged by the in spite of the pranks played l be remembered as moments of ~mbers s John Morris Ken Rhodes Ralph Diehl Gerald Kendrick Glenn Boyd John Welch Don Garner King Tau Zee Ted Diehl fvferedi th Thorn Ralph Braden Percy Francis Sidney Horton Bobby Peyton Harry Word