Galaxy 1947-65

~Jk $j~ ~te<Jue6U tf{~ ~ of ~/117e~jj/e at tf{Wt Secruul Ctnnuaf 93~, ··a ~e crawtn , . CJ< ~: at tKe ~~, S~, 7:30 r· m. Galaxy Club Ho Annual Banquet The ·Galaxy elub tw1d .....,.~, nuaJ banquet at th~ Marrch 12. The tfleme "'J: banq\let was "Cel,esttal pey". The pcogram ("'li'lllat..t-• . Plan" included: Invocation · Dr. Kern Welcome· Byron Corn ~ll()t · Bllly Smith Mars . Gl~Boyd (song) Bluto . Tl;e Starllghters (novelty) . Mo()J\ Mt. Carl Nater (speeeh) Venus Dot TulUss Aboard Ship· Duet IMiss TuJ– llss and Glenn Boyd) ~nedJction • Julian Mranch Those ' who attended were: BoydDav1s1 Christine Abernathy; Gerald Kehdrfck, Geneva Brown; Ralph Diehl, Gen vieve Henry; Billy Smith, Joanne Anderson; Billy Horton, Lois Benson! .:r~ Plummer, Joy MannsClll'eClC; Glenn Boyd, Shkley Pegan; King Tao Zee, Jackie Ftlan; Bill Johns, Greeta Shewmaker· Julian Branch, Louise Zinser , Ai Br · ant, Maxine Grady; J)()bby ~yton, Ruth Ann Toothman; ]\llr. and Mrs. Shirley SnnCh; .Byron Corn, Jollile ~iddle; Dr. K 1.'11 Sears, MJss Esther tt! elL · Guests were: Mr. ~rs.Carl Anne Cartet. Galaxy Petit h9,n queen ; Mn.r:rt•~<· Dorothy Tulliss, Clarence Richmond. Kern SeiD's Is the club