Galaxy 1947-65

( laxy, TNT Clubs Reign New Softball Champio Exo:itemen;_t has been the order every day when any two clubs squared off tp do batlil~ on llillrding;'s Intramural Soft b a I I Big Club F'mals The American teague Club so(tball finals disappointed no one. Powerful Gala.--ey defeated Mohican 7-2, Up!let Sub-T-16 5-3 and were in the finals. But who against? Lambda Sigma surprised everyone as they stood in 1:9 take their licks against Joe Butleson andCo. o[ Galaxy. Lambda 1·olled over Alpha Phi Kap_pa 8-4, t.oo.k a loss to Sub-T16 3-13, stQPPed Mohican 11-9, aChieved sweet reven~over Sub– T 2-1, and found themselves right– ing Cor the league championship ~th Gala.'t}'. The game was not so muCh a Lambda-Galaxy batUe as it was a pitcher's duel between Jee Burle– son of Galaxy and Roger Johnson of Lam~da Sigma. G y drew fust blood in th.e fourth inning as Burleson led off with a single. A .fielder's choice- and a base-on– balls followed to fill the sacks. Then Burleson, (l8me flying home a Johnson-pitch got away from That was the sooring until the t op of the seventh, and last inning. Th• were two out when ~er Johnson slashed his single up th®niddle, so a·s Johns9n said, "there'were two .down arid it was By Gary Lucas Excitement and club sdftball were synqnomous words as the f_8l;!S fiUed the bleachers Mcmdayi night to watch Gala.xy knock Sub-T-16 five to three. This Sub-T's first lOI!IS since- one remember w~. .- Galrucy took advantage ol three walks, two errors, a two-run doubled and a three-run triple for five runs which turned out to be all they got buJ; was enough to win. The hits were even for bOth teams with $even ea.cb. but Sub– '1"!! Ken Phillips gave up six free– passes while strikinl[ o'IU Galaxy's ace pitcherJ Ji .son struck out four an only two. ,The win cli:nches Galsy plac.e in. the finals. Sub-T play Lambda Sigma in. the finals. Last week, softball and football apened men's intl'amur One huWlred se,tellLtv·-fhrc signed up for the dialln<>nr and foot~ drew CYVer Club Softball the club softball Galaxy and Sub-T•l6 the semi-finals in League. Galaxy drew defeated Mohican to Sub-T also drew a wnvno;oa. Lambda Sigma