Galaxy 1947-65

Davis·-sponsor Ryan-sponsor Simmons-sponsor Alexander Belue Boggs Boilla Boudra Bray Carter Collins Cottrell Day FaiJ:-ley 1964-1965 Members DeFoor Dye l''ord Gardner Goatley Hornbuckle Howard McClellan l\'lcKinney McMacklin iViayer hliller Morrison Varied activities kept the Galaxy ' members busy. After initiation of pledges at the Davis' home, th club made nlans for their social functions ~nd project. A hootenanny was held in January at the Pumping Station where the couples enjoyed music and chili. In, February, a Valentine banquet at Buck Powers Restaurant called for lovely decorations and a ro– man tic atmosphere. At Christmas, the club joined with other men's clubs to give food baskets to needy families Si'!:arcy. Sports engaged the interest of th ~ club, and the year was off to a good start when Galaxy won the large club softball championship. Other sports were enjoyed by the members, even though no other chrunpionships were won. Neal Pounds Hader Richmond Rikard, Shel"borne Sizemore G. Smith M. Smith Stevens Stotts ·rate 'rrickey Hildman An outing was planned for the spring at one of the various scenic areas near campus.