Galaxy 1947-65

"'•- CHRISTMAS PARTY "Oh JOU better·watch out, you better not pout, better not shout, cause Santa Claps is coming t.o tf)Wn.",:..--Thi~ was so true when the Galaxians of the GALAXY had"thei~· Chr'istmas party on Monday, Dec~mber 15, after Monday Night :Me~ting·. . . . , . ' . ,.. . . " , . T here ·wasn't any pouting, but there was plenty of shouting of joy and • • ' mirth that told that all of them were having a good time. The scene was the choral studio and had been decorated up for Christmas with lighted tree (from Esther Mitchell) and all the trimmings. As • eac h member entered he place a wonderful and beautiful present (which ' wasn't to cost over 10~) under the tree. Gerald Kendrick acted as master of ceremonies for the occasion. When all of the members had gathered, Gerald took his place and started the program. but before he had·hardly gotten out a word who should come rushing in but Santa, himself, (Yeah, himslef) with whiskers, red suit and all. After a few jolly words and ? ?jokes?? Santa handed out all the presents. They ranged from mousetraps to baby bottles. After every person had opened his present Santa sent Gerald K. and Don G. after a huge TIDNG that he had left in his sleigh. The THING which resembled a atom bomb was decorated with d~ger signs -and bright colored japer. Sant's instructions were to put it in the middle of the room. Then he