GATA, Club Photos, 1938-2011

Pledge the supper highlights pledges' hardships Ten inductrious GATA pledges prepared a Camp singing, theirpledge mistresses for end of members in E. Baggett. in roast closewith embers of th fire. clubparticipation good, and the especially enjoyed the competition in basketball members and bunking parties At these Informal meetings, for a springbanquet and Fall: Pres Taylor, Vice Pres Wolfe Sec Pres: Taylor,Vice Pres Bradsher GATA. TOP ROW. Baggett (sponsor) Ables, Bates Bradsher Butler, SECOND ROW; Calcote, Callender Courtney Cranford, Davis Third Row Dunn Gammel Howell MattmillerParker Payne Fourth Row Porter Reibolt Taylor, Wear Wolfe, Woodard