GATA, Club Photos, 1938-2011

MUNCHING on a box of valentines candy given to him by the GATAs club beau... Ken Nicholson shares "f .. his "surprise" with hungry club members GATA Mrs. Jeannette Baggett Nancy Ables Mary Barrett Barbara Boaz Anne Crawford Bonnie Cruse Shelia Frasier Karen Hadley Regina Hadley Gatas discover 'Christmas Spirit' at third function Sherry Hampton Kay Herd Harriet Herrington Linda Karraker Donna Knapp Louise Tucker KarenMock Martha Nelson Paula Obrecht Vicki Paine Dawn Robinson Marcia Sorenson Linda Stafford GerryStone Judy Stracke GATAsexperienced "that Christmas Spirit" at their third function. New members felt not only Christmas spirit, but they also discovered more fully the joy of being together from singing Christmas carols around a brightly lit tree GATAs went Oriental for their annual banquet with Oriental foreign students entertaining Keepingwith their interest in Japanese Missionwork, GATAs again donated student at Ibaraki . . Christian in Japan full · year endedwhen GATAs dates, and club beau spring outing. OFFICERS. Fall Obrecht • pres. Herrington Vice Pres Robinson Sec;stone Tres Boaz Rep.SpringI Robinson Pres. Tucker, Vice Pres R. Hadley Sec. . • Stone Treas Stafford Rep