GATA, Club Photos, 1938-2011

Naomi Ackers Marilyn Bilbo LoisCobb Judity Dreher Norma Evans Pat Forsee Doris Gaskill Sherry Hampton Linda Hartman Lorraine Howard Harriett Jett Claudette Jones Donna Knapp Edna Knore Gail Laneer "Cake and ice cream anyone? These GATAmembers meet in Cathcart kitchen to plan dishes for ti their outing this spring o Tahkodah Gatos entertain with feast on "Treasure lsland11 sevenGATAmuds were somewhat disappointed whenth flagpole didn'tsprout their home duringpledge week after all of their The only visible results of their A candlelight ceremony impressed theserious aspects of the club. Wyldewood middle of jokes and the frontof the fire their club beau holidays evening of feasting palm trees to the illusion for to pay the feefor twoChildren during the summer for the The activity of the club'syear was Officers Pres Cobb V Pres Ackers SEc Evans Treas • RepSpring Gaskill Pres Obrecht V Pres ; Richardson Sec Treas Shewmaker Rep Paula Obrecht Jeanie Oldham Janet Pace Judy Parks Ann Richardson Bettye Ritchie Claudia Shewmaker Margaret Skelton Gerry Stone Jeannine Stowe