GATA, Club Photos, 1938-2011

First Row Maxine Richesin Martha . Allen Pat Row Pat Fogarty Pat [ Dial Joanne Hartman PhyllisRobertson Second Row: Venice Hazlet Pat Trigg, Margorie Hyatt Babs Lemmons . Mrs. Baggett. NOT Pictured Mary Lou Johnsonn, Joreta WestBetty· Noxxaman Joy Ganus GATA Fall Spring . Vice President Pat Fogarty Joreta West Nossman Secretary Pat Rowe Hyatt ... Marjorie Hyatt . Song Leader .. .. . BettyNossaman Mrs. Eddie Baggett Sponsor Who CouldForget GATAMuds? Certainly · not their pledge dates who heard "If you're donna tiss me, tiss me twick If you're not d onna tiss me, tayso Don't leave me tandinghere so long on tiptoes tause I'm so tired and teepy And perhapsthis was heard because the GATAs had their share of the pledges this year an even dozen, with four Pats just to makethings more complicated In th early fall they began their social functions with a steak fry at th Little Red School House. At Christmas, they joined with the Galaxys to go caroling and for a party afterward Then came the banquet . which can only be described as "A Rhapsody in Blue.' Spring activities included the annual outing and an alumni tea.