
CONSTITUTION Of .GATA CLUB ARTICLE I The name shall be GATA Girls Aiming Toward Achievement ARTICLE II The purpose of this club shall be t o aid in promoting h i gh socia l ideals theHarding University ARTICLE III this club was organized in October, 1938, with Martha Williams President; Ruth Langford, Vice-President ; Myrene Williams Secretary-Treasurer; Pauline Moser Verle Crave r, Valda MontgomeryLoisMaple and Eunice Maple as charter members and Mrs. J.L. Dykes a s sponsor. ARTICLE IV The Motto of the club sha ll be, "Live Pure, speak truth, right wrong." ARTI CLE V Tne colors of this club s hall be Blue and White ARTICLE VI The flowersha ll be the white Chrysanthemun. ARTICLE VII The amount for the club dues s hould be determined each year a ccording to the club's need and size. SECTION I If any Member fails to pay her dues, without a good reason, she is automatically dropped SECTION II No member will attend club functions unless he r dues are paid for that semester Old members should have their due s paid a month after the first regular meeting and the new members should