Clippings from George S. Benson
Z861 classes as the ~lowly people be- · Dale Passmore was home cause of the jealousy . and hatred weekend from college, they have for those who are Little Miss Kella Passmore more pdveleged in this life than spent one night last yveek with there is in the aragancy and her grandmother, Mrs. Aretha pride of the higher classes. Passmore. .. By radio I heard a man of Mrs. Jean Wilson and three ' ~i• NOJ.ONIHSVM asnoH a.LIHM aH.L English aristocracy say _that there children visited her parents, Mr. 1 • othing wrong with the aristo- and Mrs. John Roper last Thurs– crats if they live true to their day night and attended the wed– name. The word aristocrat comes ding of her sister. from the two Greek words which Mr. and Mrs. Matt Massey and mean to put forward their best. two grandsons were out our way 'I' h e r e wouldn't be anything Friday and for a change, Matt wrong with Christians _if they had two pigs in his truck instead lived true to their · name. The of two dogs. key to cbristainty is love for · Oh yes, they were real pigs everybody because Christ loved ·because Matt said so. every individual enough to die Glad that my sister, Cora ls to give him an opportunity to home · from the hospital. inherit eternal life in the Holy Ray Wheeler was down OUJ' City of Peace, Unity and True way one day last week. ' Love. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Broyles . ~ HAciRRISON !IDI~~ ~ . A,$_$_0Cl·ATJO~. .................. FARM · BUREAU Office· Hours MON. WED. _ 8 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. INSURANCE - SATURDAY NOTARY PUBLIC ~ INCOME TAX FILED FREE TO MEMBERS ----- -6,5 33,024.32 18,687.0~
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