Clippings from George S. Benson
son Receives Hori al At Horatio Alger Awards Dinner· Culminating more than 40 years of Benson, president of the National promoting . free enterprise and Christian Education Program and president emeritus education, Dr. Geotige S. Benson was of Harding University, was presented the presented an honor medal as one of the 19 Alger Medal by Woodrow W. Clements, inductees in the Horatio Alger Association chairman and chief executive officer of Dr. of Distinguished Americans program. Pepper Company. The 34th annual Horatio Alger Awards The Horatio Alger Award was conceived Dinner was held in Hershey, Pa., May 15. in 1947 by Dr. Kenneth V. Beebe of the American Schools and Colleges Association to encourage young people to realize that success in the country can be achieved by any man or woman. ·In his acceptance, the 83 year old Benson said, "Today I am striving to preserve in the hearts of our American youth a gepuine faith in the fundamental principles upon which America was built and which brought her to first place among the countries of the world. I believe these fundamental prin– ciples to be: faith in God, faith in Con– stitutional .government and faith in private enterprise." In addition to the awards ceremony, Dr. Benson participated in a program on free enterprise for more than 1,000 Hershey high school students and at a seminar for more than JOO teachers. It was also announced that Dr. Benson would be included .in the Horatio Alger Memorial Program which means his name will be engraved on a memorial plaque housed in the headquarter offices. A special continuing Horatio Alpi Library Section will be made available in his honor to the Hardin University Libr_ou_i_._-~----- JACK R. HUNTER KJNG EDWARD APTS. PITTSBURGH, PA. 1,213
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