Clippings from George S. Benson
1980." Which of the following did not make the list? (a) Ann Landers (b) Anita Bryant (c) Chris Evert Lloyd .. ~-~- --.....-~ ........~ ---·---c,,------·-· -- in their planes? · A. Moat, if not all. Thirty-one of the fll'St 40 did so. ANSWERS a·.:• ·z q ·1 Letters to·the Editor The Citizen will accept letters from our readers of not more than 300 words if they are signed . In cases of a large volume on the same subject, the Citizen will edit for length or select the most pertinent. Names will not be withheld . 'TIZEN. Dear Editor , I am an elementary school principal in Tyler, Texas and I have a somewhat unusual hob– by. I collect old tokens used by stores, barber shops, lumber companies, saloons, and other businesses years ago. These tokens were "good for" $1.00, •~. -- . ... ::::- • DA VINCI SHOW ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Science and art will converge in an exhibition featuring works by Leonardo da Vinci at the University of Michigan Mu– sewn of Art May 8-June 13. The show· will combine paint- " ·,·7C1/ 1anuuy I.fl.• J.Y a:11:1 n.1'13:1 I am hopin g that if you hav a "letters to the editor" s tion or such in your paper t you might m ention my searc I know tha t this request · relatively un important but do get a great deal of enjo ment from my hobby and I believe that these concre( - - · a o,.H dJd4MAJ.JA.) l}fJl?WaJ UOS · ueder S! iJ1unoJ [l Jea.{ S!4l 1nq JS!JDOl JO Jaqwnu I a41 do1 01 pa WV P!l?S aH ·Jea.{ aq 011! 8un;>adxa rn UOTI{!W OMl Sl?M ~U!l{J paHS!A OlfM Jaqwnu aq1 1e10 l?U!4J JO Jnqnda'H U Jo uone;)llp3 Jo (I aql JO lUap!SaJd ·eu!4J U! apeJ1 ;,µawy JO 4lMOJ8 Il aq1 1e pazewe ~s uosJa11ed 'JO 'P!l?S uosuag !J a41 U! sqof Jal 8uµano .{q seaJe . doad nTta Tfflu rnnu •80 % Polyester/20 % cotton •60-62 Inches wide •Spring colors & patterns •Coordinates with bandmaster solids •Machine wash & dry ©Ds-MAne ~n & ari, '' ., ·3 • 17Yd. Save 20% White Llahter ilng •Cotton & poTyeste r/cotton •45-48 Inches wide •Botto m weight solids •Summer whites •M aqhine wash & dry •Reg. 2.44 yd. 1.93 'Yd. .~ -1- s ... ~"
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