Clippings from George S. Benson
'ftlE HARDING UNIVERSITY BISON, Searcy, Ark. ~ Opinion~---------: Honesty should be he . "Ay, sir· to be honest, as this world goes, is to be ~ne man picked out of ten thousand." Mrs. Sally Ellis. BeM<>n? 85, wife of fcrmer Harding president Dr. George S. Benson, died Dec. 17 , 1981 , in the Central Arka~as General Hospital after suffertng a severe three-daY illness. In addition to Dr. Benson, surviving are two daughters, Mrs Ruth Crowder of Macomb, m.,. and Mrs. Lois McEu~n of Little Rock ; nine gran~children and foor great grandchildren. The funeral was Dec. 19 at the College church building. Dale Foster preached the sermon, and selected elders of the congregation served . as pall bearers for the service. T~ burial followed at the Arkans~... Memorial Gardens about a mile Mrs Benson was a member of the coilege Church of Christ. She was manied to Dr. BeM<>n for_ 56 years and had worked alongside him in canton, China, which Dr· Benson called "our 11-ye~r honeymoon." Upon the coople s return to Searcy, Mrs. Benson served for three years as the principal for Harding A~demy f Mrs Benson, a native o Grani~, Okla., was also involved . the Searcy Garden Club. As ~r Benson noted, ,'She so~etimes attended two or _thr~ mid-week meetings for ladies a different congregations each week. ·th high "She was a person wi a level of integrity and honor,:' D!i Benson recalled. ''She believ your word should be your bo nd and that every promise should be honored. She was - very reasonable , patie~t and u~ derstanding in allowing me to away from home freq~ently during the years I spent m fun- draising." , 1 ' r I I , "- J , ' ' , f , , , . , • : • ' ' 1.,•,1•,1 ,•sf~'lL'<;;<' ~ J l ~ east of. Searcy· --Inside-- On the cable .... Will cable TV make it to the dormitories'? See st ory' page 7. HUF helps ... Florence students help strengthen Italian chur– ches. See story, page 8 · Hit lists ... Reviewer Randy An~ony . takes a look at~ mus1~ of 1981 and lists his c~oices for top albums and singles, .page 6. · man." ) e y s J Funeral services for Mrs. Mrs. Benson said her husban d trav– eled to area towns to sell mel ons and Sally H. Benson of 15 Clover– dale Drive in Searcy were . held Saturday at 11 a .m. at the College Church of Christ, officiated by Dale Forest, Lott Tucker, Conrad Hays and Neal Pryor. Dr . Kenne t h Davis directed special music ; " Faith is the Victory," "Anywhere With Jesus ," "How Great Thou Art," "When We All Get to Heaven," and "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" .was sung at graveside services. Pallbearers were Lott Tucker, Jess Bucy, Harry Olree, Maurice Lawson , of Neal Pryor and Bufford a Tucker. of Burial followed in White of County Memorial (iardens r– by Daniel. r• ---· &" .:,-. -ueuaoo; two aaugnter s, Ruth Crowder of Macomb, Il l., and Lois McEuen of Little Roc k, nine grandchildren and fou r great-grandchildren. Funeral w ill be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Colleg e Church of Christ in.Searcy. Buri al will be White County Memori al Garden by Daniel Funeral Home of Searcy. By Craig Chandler Lizzie and Jared Benson celebrate their anniversary. popcorn kernels, and sold garden wa– termelons last year. In 1916, Mrs. Benson said her family traveled in covered wagons to South– eastern Colorado, · and homesteaded there for three years before returning to Reno County. She said they lived in a house dug into a hill and finished with sod, and burnt "cow chips" for fuel. Mrs. Benson said she is i nterested in local history, and has le tters dating -Luke 2:12 back to 1870 from an assistant post– master in Castleton. She said she still writes some historical articles for the newspaper in Pretty Prairie. Compromise and God are two essen– tial ingredients for a long marriage, Mrs. Benson said. "If we sat down and thought of our aches and pain, _we wouldn't be here," she said.
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