Clippings from George S. Benson
College Award F, eed -Hardeman College ill p resent honorary doctor o( laws degrees to three men during it prin_g commen ement exercises Ma · 2. Those being honored are George S. Ben on, ~arcy, AR; K.T. Edwards, Jai::k on, TN ; and larn ·s H . Fau lkner. Bay Minnette, AL, according to an announccmt:IH by F-HC presiJenl L Cl,:iude Gardner. Benson is pre ·id nl emcrilus oC Harding \' nivc1 si l) , pt e iJenl of th ational £du a tion P1 1•J 1a 111. ,md ( han eHor and interim presiden l p { .\L1 ham..1 Ch ristian Coll ge. (See graduation . tor f, >1 [un her inConnation.) l: ward~l ·•n I s'~Lltn:er in !925 as a "rnnner" I [m , : 1lOt1al 1>.. Cl 'of (.mumerct i n l:h 'ks u 11, .,..,
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