Clippings from George S. Benson
. \. . CHINA REPORT- Dr. Geo. s. Benson tells members of the Noon Lions some of his observations while on a recent trip to China. In his opinion there is some loosening of religious restrictions and there will be more. "This is their best method to increase capital and industrial programs in China," Dr. Benson stated. ( Dillin-West Photo) Harrell named to ACEP position here The American Citizenship Education Program today announced the addition to its staff, of C. Brodie Harrell, who will undertake the . d elo nroeot nL _,i_--~--,– 89i A:Ulf,$ ·3 lit SJOl:)14UO:) jl.teUeO ·1suoo AeJJnW P3 s6u1p11ne 1e1Jedw1 1uewd1nb3 6uupu•H 11 s1e1J•••w &68JOIS Uf8J6 J8d88)jUflJ6 s,p1JoM•1u • J8lU8:) sweads I wJ• .:1 uJepow_ · grown so fast that we must raise a lot more money to pay the expenses that have grown just as fast," con– tinued Mrs . Kreitling . "Since · our program has been accepted by most all faiths in 10 states and is still growing, we find this .new emphasis necessary in order to meet all the demands olaced on us .'' · Harrell is available to :peak to churches, unions, ivic and fraternal clubs, chools, and other organiza– ons. In addition he will talk ith individuals about the ·ogram. ~ i Harrell's gospel ministry , taken him into many ··1uow 'sSu1 tes and around the world -ma woJJ h\a1AJa1u1 auoqd :he last 20 years. As the -a1a1 e Ul Pl~ sanaN 'naµoJ 1 night chaplain for a aq1 aJoJaq s8uµru1 aA!J souri radio station for ' pa.1l[lbaJ atn 981ou PIP awe8 ... e lO'J a\:uuzt acn paefa '·awe.!{ al(l, asneaaq Slfa.lq_a UlUJ JO TieJI ll8Ql00.!I O.Jd ain Ol~ ooo 1 uetn aJow 1no pueq a3lanptJl tB6t e 'epu e1a a8J< >afl 01 peq qn1a A.IU8t83 aqJ. - (dV ) 01qo ' NO.I.NV: :> ·awe8 al(l JO ssor atn J0J dn J.V3lln 3HJ. 3011030 ill{8W Ol sodX3 ill(l Ol 08 lllh\ Aauow aq1 p1es '1uap1saJd an8ea1 aq1 'sanaN qd1'8ll ·l{aah\ 1se1 {A\1uq 8uµea1;>-q;,uaq e .1aue sodX3 m811r3 al(l 1SU1e8e awe8 11 8umaµoJ JOJ OCMi'ti pauy uaaq aAuq an8eari rreqaseg JaaUOld atn JO s8u'Blsn:w s8unna aq.1. - (dV) l?lJ8QIV 'NOJ.NOW03 oumaJJOJ JO! pau1J weai 11eqase9 DAILY CITIZEN - Searcy, Ark. - Thursday, July 23, 1981 rur-um~ Uffp~u• to wid8 range By DR. GEORGE $. BENSON For 25 years I have been working with Youth Forums which are now being held in 15 different states each sum– mer . These are held with the cooperation of the Farm Bureau or Chamber of Com– merce or civic clubs or some other group. But the Kiwanis Clubs are putting on a wider reaching forum in New Orleans than is being done in any other of _ 11 ~ ~ ... _.It • - • them, except the judges of the supreme court, served limited periods of time. This was a government of the~ ple, by the people and for the people. This government provided for private ownership of pro– perty, provided for the security of the people in– dividually and collectively. The third principle on which America was built was private enterprise "Yhich allowed· any man to Dr. Georges. Benson, Dr. E. Claude Gardner,– and Dr. Jimmy Faulkner Dr. Benson and Dr. Faulkner received the Honorary Doctor's Degree at Freed-Hardeman College on May 2, 1981 following Dr. Benson giving t he Commencement Address
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