Clippings from George S. Benson
DR. GEORGE BENSON, reared in western OklanOOla, is the President of the National Educatiin Program and President Emeritus of Harding College where he served as President for 29 years. He has been honored By the cittzens of Arkansas as "Arkansan Of The Year" and for his interest in preserving our American Heritage, has won numerous awards from Freedoms Foundatfon at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. He has spoken in virtua 1-ly every major city in America and regularly appears on 120 radio stations writes a column for more than 1,000 different newspapers and authors a monthly newsletter which has 50,000 readers. He is dedicated to .preserving faith in our great American Heritage which is based on three great principles; faith in God, constitu– tional governnent and private enterprise. In addition to other responsibilities Dr.Benson serves as chairman of the NaOMianga Christian Secondary School in Zant>ia Africa. ur. Benson is assisting Living Word Academy today in raising funds for operating expenses. The school's budget this year calls for $265,000 in gifts and donations to be raised. The school,entering its ninth year of operation, is also trying to pay off loans on the high school and middle school buildings amounting to almost $400,000. LWA bonds are now available for sale. The bonds are being sold to raise funds to retire the loans and notes on the high school and Capitol Hill facilities. Bonds can be purchased for any amount above $250. They will earn 10 percent interest annually. Bonds used toward the payment of tuition at LWA wi.11 earn 11 percent interest. Contact any member of the LWA 3oard of Trustees or ca11 the centra1 offi.ce at 239-6135 for information about the purchase of bonds.
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